Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am thankful for ....


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.

As promised, here is the Plimoth site to look for information about the Mayflower:


Friday, November 22, 2013

Reminder: Greece Test on Tuesday

Study Guide for Ancient Greece Test

There will be a final test on the information we have covered about Ancient Greece on Tuesday, November 26th.  You will need to review all the materials that we have gone over in class, as well as information that we will be completing this week.  Use your text book, pages 20 – 23, in addition to your portfolio. 

Below are some of the important words that you will need to know for the test as well.  You will also need to find Europe, Greece, and Crete on a map and label the important city states of Athens and Sparta.  You will also need to label the Mediterranean Sea. 

Acropolis/Mt. Olympus
Direct Democracy
Majority Vote
Mountainous Land
Roles of Men and Women
Zeus and other mythological gods
Roles of Boys and Girls
Olympic Games
Mediterranean Sea

Finally, consider the research that we completed in class or during library time.  You learned about city-states (Athens and Sparta) and discovered information about a mythical god or goddess.  You may be asked to share what you learned so be sure to review this information. 

As always, do your best and I know you will be proud of your grade!

Success in Savanna, 11/22/13

Dear Parents-

The first report cards of the year came home with your child today.  As I have told the children, this is a cumulative grade based on all work since the beginning of the school year.  I have also told the kids, the most important grade, to me, on this report is their work and effort grade.  Please remember that an “S” and a “C” indicates that your child is doing satisfactory work at grade level.  Overall, I am pleased with how well all the children are doing.  The blue card included in the envelope goes into further detail about the Arlington County grading policy.  Please sign and return both the blue card and the yellow comment sheet in the envelope. 

Please look for a flyer in this week’s Friday Folder from our school counseling team about an opportunity to meet with them.  Further, please remind your child that his or her Greece test is on Tuesday.  Portfolios went home yesterday along with a study guide.  As typical, there is also a Word Study test on Monday.  We will also be taking some time to do a fun holiday themed Math review.  Look for our Place Value Turkeys coming home on Tuesday to decorate your dining room. 

It’s truly been a wonderful quarter and I so appreciate having the time each day to get to know your child a little better.  Our community is really growing in knowledge, character, and pride.  We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season.

                                                                        Gobble, gobble,
                                                                        Ms. Coffman

Important Dates

Wed., Nov. 27-Fri., Nov. 29- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Fri. Dec. 20- Brass Rubbings (more information to follow)
Mon. Dec.23-Wed. January 1, 2013- Holiday Break- No School

Thurs. Jan. 2, 2014- School Reopens

Friday, November 15, 2013

Success in Savanna, 11/15

Dear Parents,
          Despite the shortened weekend, we pushed through to meet many goals in our learning process.  We are nearly complete with our rounding lessons in math and finished the week with a challenging activity on planning a meal for a party of four.  In social studies, we are knee deep in the culture of Ancient Greece and learned more about their lives and beliefs.  In Science, we are starting the life cycle of animals and will be doing an in class project next week on the various types of animals.  In reading and writing, we’ve been inspired by our lessons on making text to self connections.  Furthermore, we’ve spent some time in the classroom working through Typing Club lessons.  Please know that I’ve been tasked to monitor the students’ at home practice.  If your child has not been participating in practice at home, I encourage him or her to do so starting this weekend.   A duplicate copy of Typing Club note is included in this week’s folder.

We have had several conversations this week about wearing proper clothing to school as the weather gets colder.  Please know we do go outside everyday and that the children need the proper clothing in order to be comfortable as we do so.  Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated.  Also, if your child is missing any clothing items, water bottles, or lunchboxes, there are several tables of unclaimed items in the front of the building.  Please take a few minutes to see if any of your child’s items may be there. 

Below are a few important dates to put on your calendars.
Fri. 11/22-Reprot Cards Issued
Wed., Nov. 27-Fri., Nov. 29- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Fri. Dec. 20- Brass Rubbings (more information to follow)
Mon. Dec.23-Wed. January 1, 2013- Holiday Break- No School
Thurs. Jan. 2, 2014- School Reopens

          I hope you and your family have a good weekend.


                                                                             Ms. Coffman

Friday, November 8, 2013

Success in the Savanna, 11/8/13

Dear Parents,

This week has been full of “teachable moments.”  The Outdoor Lab began our week with hands-on-learning about simple machines.  We had a fun time hiking through the woods to the various learning stations.  Ask your child how many third graders it takes to lift up an Outdoor Lab staff member with a lever.  You may be a bit surprised by the answer you get.  After lunch, the children learned about different animals at the Animal Lab.  We talked about the difference between omnivores, carnivores and herbivores as well as adaptations and camouflage for survival.  Thanks to all of the parents who joined us.  On Wednesday we continued our learning in the classroom with lessons on Ancient Greece, rounding, and sentence structure.  We also used a Chris Van Allsburg book to inspire our writing pieces for this week.  Finally, we concluded the week with a hands-on lesson in the Tuckahoe park, guided by our Outdoor Coordinator, Nancy Libson. 

 As you know, Monday was the end of the first quarter.  Overall the children have adjusted to third grade well.  They are taking responsibility for their assignments and their books with ease, and are able to demonstrate what they have learned in a variety of ways.  The pace of our studies will increase (just a bit) during the second quarter. I am confident that the children will be able to meet these new challenges if they keep doing the good job they have done to date. 

         Below are some important November dates to place on your calendars.  If you could please let me know if your child will not be at school on Monday or Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving I would appreciate it. 

Mon. 11/11- Veterans Day Observation- No School
                  Fri. 11/22- Report Cards Issues
                  Wed 11/27-Fri 11/29 Thanksgiving Break

         Enjoy the weekend! 

                                                                                 Ms. Coffman

Friday, November 1, 2013

Success in Savanna, 11-1-13

Dear Parents,

          I want to begin this note with a thank you to my room parents for coordinating a great party after our parade on Thursday.  Thanks also to everyone who contributed to, and joined us for the parade and party.  It was a fun afternoon and the children enjoyed this Tuckahoe tradition. 

 It is hard to believe that Monday will be the end of the first quarter.  The children have made many changes since September which can be seen in all parts of their day.  For the most part, everyone is used to the daily routines, the homework procedures, and done well with test taking.  The pace of our studies will begin to increase (just a bit) during the second quarter. I am confident that the children will be able to meet these new challenges if they keep doing the good job they have done to date.  I would like to remind you to remind your child to review his or her assignment notebook.  Most homework that is being missed is simply due to the fact that the child  referred to memory vs. checking the notebook.  Finally, once work is done, please pack and return all completed work and tools for return to the classroom.

I would like to remind everyone to let me, as well as Mirna Lopez (mirna.lopez@apsva.us) our attendance secretary, know if your child will be out for the day.  This can be done by email the day they are out.  After your child returns to school, they will have both class work and homework to make up.  They will be given extra time to make up any missed work.  

          As you know we are headed to the Outdoor Lab on Monday.  Please remember to send your child to school with a bag lunch, including a drink.  There is NO food service at the lab.  Also it is usually 10-15 degrees cooler up on the mountain, so be sure your child is dressed in layers, with closed toe shoes.  We are looking forward to spending the day outside and learning about simple machines.

          Below are some important November dates to place on your calendars:
Sat. Nov. 2- Tuckahoe/H-B 5K and Fun Run
                                Mon. 11/4- Outdoor Lab Field Trip/End of 1st Quarter
                                Tues. 11/5- Election Day- No School for Students
                                Wed. 11/6- Full Day of School- NO EARLY RELEASE
                                Mon. 11/11- Veterans Day Observation- No School
                                Fri. 11/22- Report Cards Issues
                                Wed 11/27-Fri 11/29 Thanksgiving Break

          Enjoy the weekend! 



                                                                   Ms. Coffman