Friday, December 13, 2013

Health Project, Chapter 4

* due to the loss of instruction on Decembers 9th and 10th, the due date for the written portion of this project has been extended to January 2, 2014.  

Dear Student:

We are just kicking off Chapter 4 in our Health book but you need to know about an exciting and yummy project that will conclude our unit.  Please read the information below and return this contract by not later than Friday, Dec. 13h.  See below for more important news!

Your chapter 4 project will be “take home test” of a different sort!  As this chapter is all about healthy foods and good nutrition, this is your chance to apply some of that knowledge in your own home with your family.  Your test for this chapter will be to find an age-appropriate recipe for any type of healthy food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, appetizer, etc.).  Your grade for the test will be your choice based on the requirements below.  Please discuss this test and the grading options with your parents and return the bottom portion of this form to me by Friday, December 13h.  The final projects are due by Friday, December 20th.  Coincidentally, that is the same day that we will be doing our “Healthy Holiday Celebration” in our third grade classroom so you are welcome to bring your healthy food to share on that day if you want to (note:  bringing your food to share is NOT a requirement for the grading).

Your options for grading are:

1.              A grade of “C” will be issued for completing the following:
Find a recipe on line or in an age-appropriate recipe book that is healthy and full of nutrients.  Use your text, Chapter 4, and the food guide pyramid or the NEW USDA food plate ( to determine what foods are most healthy.  On a sheet of notebook paper and in your best penmanship, copy the recipe including the ingredient list and the directions for making your recipe.  Write a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, that explains why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.  Consider what ingredients or cooking methods make it so healthy. 

2.              A grade of “B” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required above in (1) for a grade of C.  Additionally, you must MAKE the recipe on your own but with the assistance of parent or other adult.  Again, include a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, about why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.

3.              A grade of “A” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required in (1) and (2) above for a grade of B.  Additionally, you must write a second paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, which RATES your final food product!   For example, if the process was fun and the food was very good, then give “the chef” or “the recipe” a high rating.  If the process was very difficult and you didn’t think the food was very good, give “the chef” or “recipe” a low rating.  The rating you issue will not effect your score (in other words you can think the recipe was hard to do or that the food was not that great and still get your A). 

Students who do not participate or do not turn in a recipe of any type will receive an E for this assignment.  Please submit the recipes and paragraphs on standard notebook paper as I intend to create a cookbook using all the recipes and this format will ease the process.  Notebook paper is available in our classroom for your use.  Also, I have several child-friendly, cookbooks in my classroom and can recommend many others if you need assistance.  For example, Mollie Katzen (“The Moosewood Cookbook”) is a cookbook writer who has done several cookbooks for children such as “Honest Pretzels” and “Pretend Soup”.  Also, the internet offers a variety of wonderful websites such as those listed below:

The Food Network/Recipes                

The Washington Post/Food Section/Recipe Finder

Cooking Light Magazine/Recipe Finder

Good luck on this project.  I hope you will have fun as you discover “hands-on” the value of healthy eating and good nutrition.

Please see me if you have any questions.

Ms. Coffman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -cut off and turn in the form below- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Ms. Coffman:

I have read the above letter and discussed this project with my parent(s).  We have agreed that I want to earn a/an ___________ (put in letter grade based on scoring requirements above) on this test/project.  I will complete the work as described above and have my completed project ready to turn in by Friday, December 20th.  If I choose to share my food with my classmates, I will bring it to our holiday celebration on the 20th.

Student Signature                             Parent Signature

Success in the Savanna, 12/13/13

Dear Parents,

Well, did anyone predict our snow days start to this week?   I certainly didn’t or I would have taken home more projects/papers to review over the extra long weekend.  Oh well, I can honestly say that the time off to play and relax was enjoyed by children of all ages!

Despite the shortened week, we were able to start a new word study unit as well as our student interview process that culminates in our end of year memory book.  Additionally, we closed out our Chapter 3, Health, unit and Chapter 5, Math, unit.  Appropriately, we ended our week with musical song- books by Mrs. Gleichenhaus.  Really, it turned out to be a fantastic week despite the obvious loss of teaching time. 

Next week is a busy one with our Healthy Holiday party on Friday, the 20th at 12:30 pm.   Details about this event and new health project were sent home on Wednesday.  Essentially, we will be having a class luncheon in which many of the students bring their healthy food creations to share with their classmates.  It is fun to see the pride the children take in presenting their dishes.  Please know that it is not a project requirement that children bring their project meal to share.  But, if they do so, it is nice to consider portions for approx. 6 – 8 people.  I too will be bringing a dish or more to share to be sure that there are ample provisions for everyone.    Following our lunch, students will be creating a craft for our book buddies who will be joining us for a special presentation of The Snowman from 2:45 to 3:15 pm.  I encourage all parents to let their children remain with us after our luncheon so that we can enjoy this special time with our young buddies. 

Finally, I appreciate the many invites to holiday concerts or sporting events.  If you sent an email and I did not respond, please assume that it was lost in the slush of the snow day shuffle.  Please resend or remind me of any holiday events that are coming up for your child.  I know too that basketball season is starting so I appreciate folks sending in these schedules as soon as possible.  I will try to get to at least one event for each child this school year.  Your efforts in helping this to happen are appreciated. 

As always, thanks for all that you do to make our learning such a fun and rewarding experience. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars:

         Ms. Coffman’s Class Healthy Holiday Lunch:  12/20, 12:30-1:30 pm
         Winter break, school closed:  12/21 – 1/1/14
         School reopens:  1/2/14


                                                               Ms. Coffman

Healthy Holiday Lunch Update

December 13, 2013

Dear Students and Parents:

Next Friday, December 20th, we will be celebrating the holidays with a “healthy holiday lunch” in our classroom.  Students will enjoy their regular recess from 12:00 – 12:30 and then join together in our classroom for a shared lunch.   Students do NOT need to bring a lunch on that day unless they prefer to dine on their own food choices instead of those being served.  Students who are choosing to bring their healthy recipe project to share, should bring their
completed dish to school on Friday morning.  Simple preparation such as mixing a few ingredients or reheating a dish in the microwave is acceptable. 

Students are allowed to invite one guest to our lunch. Unfortunately, our restricted classroom space does not allow unlimited attendance.  We will be making and issuing our invites early next week.  If this presents a conflict for you or your family, please contact me.

Further details about next week’s schedule can be found in our weekly newsletter.


Ms. Coffman

Friday, December 6, 2013

Success in the Savanna, 12/6

Dear Parents,

We got back into the swing of school after the Thanksgiving break this week.  Everyone shared what they had done over the break and even wrote about family traditions.  Once we got reacquainted with classmates it was time to get back down to our daily routines.

In Language Arts, we are reviewing our connection strategy and will soon venture into inferences and story lines.  By January, students will start the journaling process (in the classroom) and be writing about the many strategies that they are using as readers.  Additionally, we are reviewing the different types of sentences and punctuation.   In Math, we have almost completed Unit 5.  This unit has covered rounding, data gathering, learning about tables and graphs, as well as addition and subtraction.    The children will have a test on these skills on Wednesday, December 11th.  In Science the children are learning about animal life cycles and will expand their understanding of animal adaptations during the break.  We will start our unit on Ancient Rome next week and continue after our return in January.  Finally, in health, we finished chapter 3 with a project in class today.  There will be one more “project” based activity in health prior to our departure.  News about that delicious assignment will be coming home next week.

In the Friday Folders today you will find a note about our annual visit from the London Brass Rubbing Centre.   The program will begin at 9:30 with a 30-minute explanation of the art of brass rubbing and who would have had a rubbing made for them.  From 10-12:00 pm all the children will have an opportunity to make their rubbing as well as complete several other craft projects.  If you can lend a hand for all or part of this special project, please let me know.   Thank you for considering volunteering during this busy time of the year.

          With the basketball season in full swing, several of the children have asked me if I can come to their games.  I would enjoy the opportunity to fit some of these in, but will need schedules to coordinate the dates.  If you would be kind enough to forward me your child’s schedule, I would appreciate it.  Also, several of you wrote to inform me about upcoming recitals or concerts.  I would love to attend these but favor those that are close to home.  Please remind me if you sent such notice and I’ll do my best to attend. 

I hope you all have a nice weekend.


                                                                   Ms. Coffman

                     Calendar Dates
Friday December 20th-London Brass Rubbings- 9:30-12pm
Monday December 23rd- Wednesday January 1st- Winter Break
          Thursday January 2, 2014- School Reopens