Monday, February 6, 2012

Food Chain Project 2/8

Food Chain Project/Assessment
February 6, 2012

On Wednesday (2/8) in class, you will be making a food chain of not less than five links that shows the flow of energy from the sun to the producers, consumers, and decomposers.  You may use a food chain that involves the animal that you researched in class or you can use another animal/food chain that you research on your own.  You may NOT use one of the food chains that we built using the online FOOD CHAIN GAME found on the Kids Links page on the Tuckahoe website.  However, you may use this game/link to see a sample chain if you are unsure about what you will be building:

In addition to the chain, you will be asked to write a one page paper that describes the flow of energy in your chain.  Your paper should include important vocabulary words such as predator, prey, producer, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and interact.  Your paper should describe clearly how the energy is passed from the sun through each part of the chain. 

Cards for the chain, coloring materials, and paper clips will be provided in the classroom.  If your child would like to use other special materials, they are welcome to bring these to class.   Although each child is expected to have a food chain selected to use for this project, all actual work will be done in the classroom. 

Please contact me if you have any questions.  On the back of this sheet you will find an optional planning sheet for your use.

Ms. Coffman

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