Friday, September 6, 2013

Success in the Savanna, Week 1

September 6, 2013

Dear Parents,

 Here we are at the end of the first week of Third Grade!  The children all did a very good job transitioning back from the summer and seemed, for the most part, to be glad to be back at school.

          We spent most of the week doing some “Get to Know You” activities, taking care of housekeeping items, playing math games, and easing back into the daily routine of school. The children were excited to see old friends, and make some new ones as well. 

          Next week, we will devote time to labeling our materials and learning to use both our binders and assignment notebooks.  I suspect that the students will quickly adapt to this process and I will be checking their work each day.  Starting Monday, I ask that you too review the assignment notebook each night to be sure that they have completed all work and that it is in the binder for return to school.  After some time, you will be able to lessen your attention to this process.  Please do not remove any papers from the binders without asking your child if it is all right to do so.  Many of the papers will be used in class on multiple days and without them, your child will not be prepared for class.

          Speaking of homework, you have some to do this weekend.  I have included a parent survey in your child’s Friday Folder and would like for you to fill this out and return it to school before Back to School Night on the 17th.  I would like to get to know them a bit better, and what better way than with your help.  Please know we will be able to talk more in depth as the year progresses and during Parent Teacher Conferences.

          Earlier this week I sent home a “Third Grade Procedures” packet.  One item, of particular importance, is the need to send a WRITTEN note in with your child should there be a change in dismissal on a given day.  While it may be easier to send an email, we have recently been experiencing up to a six-hour delay in the delivery of emails being sent to the APS server.  This has resulted in being notified of a change in dismissal after school has been dismissed.  While we do know mornings can be busy, until this issue is resolved, should you forget to send in a note, please call the office to let us know of the change. 

I also want to remind everyone of our annual Back to School Night on Tuesday, September 17th.  This will be an opportunity for me to share more specifics about the year ahead, and to answer any lingering questions.  I will also have sign up sheets available for fall conferences as well as volunteer opportunities. 

Thanks again for a great beginning to the school year.  I appreciate all you do at home and for sharing your children with me each day. I am looking forward to the year ahead.


                                                                   Theresa Coffman

Upcoming Events

Tuesday 9/17- Back to School Night- 7-9 pm
Tuesday 10/8- Field Trip- National Building Museum
Thurs./Fri 10/10-11- Parent Teacher Conferences
          Monday 10/14- Columbus Day- No school for students


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