Friday, February 28, 2014

Book Report Questions

Biography Book Report
Teacher/Audience Questions

These questions are just some suggestions to think about as you prepare your final cards and start to practice your presentation.  You should be able to answer these questions without looking at your cards.  Remember, YOU are the person you are portraying and these are questions that everyone would know about themselves.  Think about answers for each of these questions before our Wax Museum Presentation on March 5th.   Practice answering these with a family member or friend!

·      Where and when were you born?

·      Tell me about your family (parents, siblings, spouses, children, etc.)

·      Where did you grow-up?  Did you stay in one place or move?

·      When did you first become interested in what made you famous?

·      Was there someone or something special in your life that inspired you or helped you to do what you did?

·      Why are you famous? 

·      How were you able to accomplish all that you did?

·      How did you change our world?

·      Why is our world a better place because of you?

Wax Museum Final Update 2/28

Dear Students:

Please find this last packet of information to assist you as you approach the final days of our Wax Museum project.  On Tuesday, March 4, there will be in class practice sessions for you and your classmates.  You should bring your cards to school.  You are also welcome to bring in costumes although the rehearsal on Tuesday is “costume optional”.  On Wednesday, March 5th, the Wax Museum will start promptly in our classroom at 11 am (or as soon as we have all returned from PE and had a chance to change).  Parents are welcome to join us on that day from 11 to noon. 

At this point, final cards should have been checked (or will be checked NO LATER than Monday) and you should have direction on any additions or corrections that need to be made.  These cards will be reviewed for legibility, content, and more.  Please refer to the enclosed rubric so that you can be sure that your materials and your presentation meet expectations.

The information attached includes a list of questions that may be asked of you on the day of your presentations.  You should know the answers to these questions without having to refer to your cards.  Memorization of cards is not necessary but I do encourage you to practice again and again so that you are not overly dependent on your notecards.  Presentations should take approximately two minutes.   

Thank you for your hard work.  Each year, the Wax Museum is one of the most exciting and memorable days in third grade.  I have no doubt that this year’s event will be no different.  I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing your final presentations on Wednesday.


Ms. Coffman

Tuckahoe ES

Success in Savanna, 2-28

Dear Parents:

         WOW!! Can you believe we made it through an entire week without any delays or cancelations?  It was such a treat to watch the snow falling from our windows both Tuesday and Wednesday. The snow made Tuckahoe Park look magical or as one student described it: like a snow globe!

         Our focus in class has been to finish up our unit in Science on ecosystems and food chains.  On Friday, we designed the perfect environmental citizen who is always being a steward for our planet.  In Social Studies, we are just starting our unit on Ancient Mali.  In Math, we have been measuring (linear and capacity) all week and will continue measurement next week with mass/weight.  In Language Arts, we have kicked off journal writing in the classroom and will begin letters (for homework) next week.  And, finally, we are practicing and preparing for our Wax Museum next Wednesday.  Information on that exciting event follows. 

         The Wax Museum will be held in the classroom from 11-12 on Wednesday, March 5th.  The children have worked hard this past month reading their books and writing their note cards.  I am excited to watch them as they present their work to you all.  I hope your schedules will allow you to come and be part of this exciting morning.  We hope to kick off promptly at 11 but will be returning from PE at 10:45.  If you would like to assist your child or other students with costumes, please meet us at 10:50 in the classroom.  Your extra hands are appreciated.

         Thank you to everyone for signing up for conferences.  I have valued the meetings that have already transpired and I look forward to meeting with others next week.

         Please look on the back for some further updates and calendar.  Thank you for all that you do.  Have a great weekend.

Ms. Coffman                                                       MORE ON BACK ->

There are a couple of housekeeping items I would like to bring to your attention.

1.                   Schoolyard Stewards will be needed again for the spring.  If you are able to help on Tuesday’s from 12:00-1:00 for this program, please go to the following link and sign-up.
2.                  Please remember to send in notes each time when there is any change in your child’s dismissal.  This is a safety issue to make sure your child is properly dismissed each day.  With Spring Enrichment Activities starting up again, this is a reminder.  Your help with these notes is greatly appreciated.
3.            Early Release Wednesday schedule for the remainder of the year.  In order to “bank” instructional time in the event of additional snow days this year, the following Wednesday’s will now be full days of school- Feb. 12, Feb. 19, Mar. 19, Apr 2, April 9, April 30, May 7, May 14, and May 21.  In addition to these make-up days, Monday March 31st will also now be a full day of school. Please mark these changes on your calendars.
Important Dates

Saturday March 1- Tuckahoe Auction
Wednesday, March 5- Wax Museum- 11am to 12 noon
Thursday/Friday March 6-7- Parent Teacher Conferences
Mon-Fri. March 24-28- Book Fair- Volunteers needed
Mon-Fri- March 24-28- Swimming (permission slips in folders)



Friday, February 21, 2014

Success in Savanna, 2/21/14

Dear Parents:
                  Welcome back!  We started the week with our belated Valentine’s Day exchange and spent more time in the week writing notes of appreciation to visitors and friends who have made our learning experiences more special.  I also want to extend a thank you to all our visitors who turned out on Curriculum Day to see what is happening in the third grade classrooms. The children learned about the three branches of government, made inferences from pictures, played the game of 24 in math, reviewed simple machines, and created biography cubes.   All in all, it was the perfect transition back to our educational world. 

There are some housekeeping items I would like to bring to your attention:

·       We have been able to reschedule our field trip to Imagination Stage.  We will now be going on Friday, May 16th.  We would like to give our previously scheduled chaperones the first opportunity to come with us on this day.  Please let me know if this change will work into your schedule as soon as possible.

·       Schoolyard Stewards will be needed again for the spring.  If you are able to help on Tuesday’s from 12:00-1:00 for this program, please go to the following link and sign-up.

·       Please remember to send in notes when there is any change in your child’s dismissal.  This is a safety issue to make sure your child is properly dismissed each day.  Your help with this is greatly appreciated.

·       Sign up sheets for conferences are included in this Friday Folder.  Please look for it and return a slip or email me with your first/second request.

·       In order to “bank” instructional time in the event of additional snow days this year, the following Wednesday’s will now be full days of school- Feb. 12, Feb. 19, Mar. 19, Apr 2, April 9, April 30, May 7, May 14, and May 21.  In addition to these make-up days, Monday March 31st will also now be a full day of school. Please mark these changes on your calendars.

Thank you for all that you do.  Have a great weekend!

Ms. Coffman

Other important dates:

Saturday March 1- Tuckahoe Auction
Wednesday, March 5- Wax Museum- 11am to 12 noon
Thursday/Friday March 6-7- Parent Teacher Conferences
Mon-Fri. March 24-28- Book Fair- Volunteers needed
Mon-Fri- March 24-28- Swimming (more information to follow)