Friday, March 28, 2014

Success in Savanna, 3/28

Dear Parents:

         Ahhh…..the smell of chlorine in the morning!  Our “air freshener” this week signals another successful week in the Yorktown pool.  The children all enjoyed their time in the pool and came back to class chattering about the water polo game, jumping off the diving board for the first time, and generally about how much fun they had had. 

It is hard to believe we are finishing up the third quarter of the year.  As we move into the final weeks of third grade I would like to take a minute and remind everyone that we need to continue to put forth our best effort each day.  Keeping up with assignments, participating in class discussions, remembering both classroom and school rules remain as important now as they have been all year long.  I am looking forward to a great quarter from everyone.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who donated a book from my “Wish List” to our class library.  The Book Fair was a big success, and I appreciate your generosity and support of reading in our classroom. 

I hope you enjoy the weekend.

Ms. Coffma

                        Wed. April 2- DessArt Night- 7:00pm
                        Thurs. April 3- Spring Pictures
                        Fri. April 11- Third Quarter Report Cards Issued
                        Mon. April 14-Fri. April 18- Spring Break


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