Food Web
Assigned: February 22, 2013
Project/In Class: February 28, 2013
Recently, in
class, we created food chains that show the path of food/energy through the
environment. As example, our chain started
with the sun and the energy passed from the grass to the cricket, the frog, the
snake, and the hawk. However, most
animals eat more than one kind of food.
For this reason, an animal is a part of more than one food chain. In fact, these chains overlap to form a food
web. In class, on Thursday, you will
make a model of a food web.
You may review the
project description on pages B60 and B61 of your book. You may also use the information that you
collected in class about your research animal or any other information that you
have learned about during this unit.
Finally, you may use the internet to research information about food
webs and find many examples. You are
not allowed to bring in a pre-printed model of your web. All ideas and information must be kept in
your head or drafted, in your own penmanship, on a piece of draft paper.
Your project may
be a 2D or 3D model and you may create it using any materials that you feel are
appropriate. As always, I suggest that
you use recycled materials or materials that are available in class. I discourage you from buying special or
costly materials to create your project.
I will provide the materials described on page B60 (paper, index cards,
glue, and crayons). As always, you are welcome to use other craft materials
available in the classroom.
In addition to the
web, you will be asked to write a one-page paper that describes the flow
of energy throughout your web. Your
paper should include important vocabulary words such as energy, predator, prey,
producer, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and interact. Your paper should describe clearly how the
energy is passed from the sun through each part of the chains and web.
You will have
approx. 75 minutes to complete this project so it would be wise to plan out
your work schedule in your head or on your draft paper. I have no doubt that you will do fine on this
project if you are well-prepared and work hard during the time provided. A rubric for the expected project is included
on the back of this sheet. This should
help you to prepare for and create your project. I can’t wait to see our finished projects on
Ms. Coffman
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