Friday, February 1, 2013

Success in the Savanna, 2/1/13

Dear Parents,

            What fish we have in our class!  All the children had such good week swimming.  The reports back from Mrs. Angerthal and Mr. Corkins were all very positive about the children’s skills as well as their behavior at the pool.  Everyone has done a great job remembering all the items for their swim bags this week.  Please remember that the children will be swimming on Monday and Tuesday of next week so they will need these items next week as well.

Even with a shortened daily schedule we have been able to move forward with our learning.  We continued investigating the life and times in Ancient Rome.  In Science we concluded our unit on habitats and will soon start a new unit on food chains and food webs.  In math, we have used what we know about multiplication to start our division unit.  Students can expect a basic fact test later next week.  At this time, we are doing drills at least twice per week.  Your child should also be working at home to master these facts.  In Language Arts, we continue to discuss the reading strategy of making inferences and students have kicked off the journaling process.  A letter with directions was sent home to you earlier this week and is also posted on the class site.  Please encourage your child to do his or her best work but DO NOT assist in the writing process.  Yes, you may discuss topics and help them to generate ideas for the letter.  But, the writing process must be solely their efforts.  If I feel that your further guidance is needed, I will be contacting you soon.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

            As you know report cards for the second quarter will go home next week.  As I told the children, this reporting period began all the way back in November and their grades are a reflection of growth over that time. We will have a chance to discuss this report card and the progress of your child, at our Parent-Teacher conferences in early March.  I will be sending information about conference schedules, including early opportunities to meet. 

            We have a field trip coming up this month as well.  We will be going to the Outdoor Lab on Friday the 15th.   The permission slip for this activity is in this week’s Friday Folder.   Please let me know if you would like to join us for this fun learning experience. 

            As always, thank you for all you do to support your child.  Good luck to all the basketball teams tonight!  Enjoy the weekend         


Upcoming Events

Friday 2/15- Outdoor Lab Field Trip
Wednesday 2/20- Full Day of School- No Early Release
Thursday and Friday 3/7-8- Parent Teacher Conferences (no school for children)

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