Dear Parents:
want to thank all my parents who joined us last Friday for our trip to the
Outdoor Lab. The weather was perfect and
the hike, machine centers, cabin lunch, and nature center were all outstanding. It was honestly one of the best trips that I’ve
had to the facility in the last nine years.
I appreciate all the extra hands that assisted with this effort.
Can you believe we have
already been in school for over 100 days!
Wednesday was the 100th day of school, which means we are
more that half way through this year. We
have recently finished units in social studies and math and will be concluding
a short unit in science next week. We
will take a break from multiplication and division and devote time next week to
measurement. Despite this break, please
do not let your child ease up on the fact practice taking place at home. We will continue to take weekly practice drills
and will return to higher order multiplication and division (fractions!) in the
near future.
On Wednesday, February
27th we will be having our annual Curriculum Day. This will be an opportunity for you to come
join your child as we rotate through various curricular activities. This is a fun way for you to get a taste of
some of the different Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts activities
your child is engaged in throughout the year.
This school-wide event will be from 9:30-11:30. There is a separate flyer in your child’s
Friday Folder with additional details.
you know Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday and Friday March 7-8. I sent
home an “early bird” sign up sheet last week and am sending an updated sheet
this week to those who have not scheduled a meeting. You may also feel free to email me with a
suggested date and time. I look forward
to meeting with you all soon to review your child’s success and goals for the
remainder of the year.
years ago, the Third Grade began a garden for the “Plot for Hunger”
project. This community service project
helps to grow fruits and vegetable for the AFAC food bank. As a grade level we will be planting our
garden again this year. We will be
planting seeds for some of our vegetables on March 6th. These seeds will be germinated inside, under
the grow lights in the hallway near our room.
Once it is warm enough, we will move them to the greenhouse and then
transplant them in the beds outside. We
will need extra hands in the coming months to help make this service project a
success. If you are interested in
helping please let me know. (There is no
need for any garden experience to help!)
the weekend!
back for list of upcoming events! à
Upcoming Events
February 27th- Curriculum Day
March 7-8- Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday March 15-
Disco Dance
Monday March
18-22- Book Fair
Monday March
25-Friday March 29- Spring Break
Monday April 1-
Teacher Work Day- No School for Students
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