Friday, November 30, 2012

Rounding Links!

Dear Students/Parents:

Here are some fun web sites to practice rounding of numbers for your quiz next week.   There are many other sites available through the “links” option on the Tuckahoe web.  Just scroll down to math and click on “many math links”.  These were some favorites!   this one is also good for place value practice!

Ms. Coffman

Success in the Savanna, 11/30

Friday, November 30, 2012

Dear Parents,

         What a smooth transition back to school!  I hope the return to school was as stress-free or at least limitedly so at your house.  We came back and shared stories but quickly jumped into a mix of both new and old content material.  As example, students are now learning to round numbers to the tens, hundreds, and thousands places while continuing with our studies of Ancient Greece and Animals.  We also did research on the Greek gods and animal classifications.  Soon, our room will be decorated with mobiles for each of the vertebrates:  fish, reptile, amphibian, mammal, and bird. 
         December will certainly be a busy month with the close out (hopefully) of units in three of the major content areas:  math, science, and social studies.  Please remind your child to keep up with assignments and review all study guides and portfolio information a few nights before test dates.  I certainly don’t expect students to study for hours in preparation for a test.  But, some review of the material (no more than an hour) over a two or three night period is reasonable.  Thank you for your efforts in this regard.

I know that the basketball season is quickly approaching.  If any of your children are playing on a team please send me their schedule, as they become available.  I enjoy going to the games on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. 

         Here are some important dates to remember for this month:

Fri. Dec. 21- Brass Rubbings (9 – noon)
Mon. Dec.24-Tues. January 2, 2013- Holiday Break- No School
Wed. Jan. 3, 2013- School Reopens

Have a happy and healthy weekend!


                                                                      Ms. Coffman

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving break.  Hope you and your families have a restful break.  See you on Monday, the 26th!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Report Cards Today

Parents:  Report cards are being sent home today.  Please keep all papers inside EXCEPT the blue comment sheet, the hard blue folder, and the manilla envelope.  Please sign in the appropriate places on both blue inserts and return these with the manilla envelope.  The sooner you return the better - thank you for your attention to this matter!

Friday, November 16, 2012

REMINDER: Health Project is MONDAY

Bring in materials if you need them.  Otherwise, use materials provided in the classroom.  Be sure you have thought about your project and that you have a plan in place.  I look forward to seeing what you produce on Monday afternoon!

Success in the Savanna, 11/16

Dear Parents,
This week has been one focused on service to others.  On Friday of last week, we discussed how the Veteran’s Day holiday began and how we an honor the men and women who work tirelessly to protect all the freedoms we enjoy each day.  To show our appreciation, the children made cards that were distributed this week to members of the military serving in our area.  We also had the opportunity to help the millions of people affected by Hurricane Sandy by contributing to the American Red Cross through our “Slippers for Sandy” drive.  While this will help others, it was also really fun to wear our slippers and socks throughout the day.  I was very proud of how the children expressed their care and concern for others in their notes and comments. 

The first report cards of the year will come home with your child on Monday.  As I have told the children, this is a snapshot of where they are academically today. This snapshot has the ability to change all the time.  I have also told the kids, the most important grade, to me, on this report is their work and effort grade.  Please remember that an “S” and a “C” indicate that your child is doing work at grade level.  The blue card included in the envelope goes into further detail about the Arlington County grading policy.  Please sign and return both the blue card and the white comment sheet in the envelope by Monday, November 26th.

On the back  are a few important dates to put on your calendars.
Wed., Nov. 21-Fri., Nov. 23- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Fri. Dec. 21- Brass Rubbings
Mon. Dec.24-Tues. January 2, 2013- Holiday Break- No School
Wed. Jan. 3, 2013- School Reopens

          I hope you and your families enjoy the holiday break and the time together.  I want you all to know how thankful I am to be your child’s teacher.   Each child has touched my heart in a special and unique way. I am grateful to be part of their lives.  To all of you, thank you for sharing them with me each day.

                                                                             Ms. Coffman

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Health Project, 11/19

November 13, 2012

Dear Student:

On MONDAY, November 19th, you will once again be given approximately one hour of class time to complete a health activity of your choice.  These activities will be considered in determining your final grade for chapter 2 of our Health content.  Please choose one of the projects below and begin preparing/planning for this activity today.  I will provide writing paper, sentence strips and construction paper in addition to our box of scraps, glue, and other craft materials.  If you need something more to complete your project, please bring it from home on Monday.  You may also bring in your materials on Friday so that you don’t forget them on Monday.

1.     Family Interview and Newspaper Article

During this week, choose a family member who has an interesting story to share.  Create a list of questions for your interview and be prepared to collect answers in note form.  Bring these responses to class on Monday, the 19th, to create a very special Newspaper Article all about this individual.  Consider questions such as “Where and when were you born?”, “Who is your hero?”, “How has the world changed in your lifetime?”, and more.  You will design a newspaper layout (similar to the projects that 4th grade has done and posted in the hallways) to present your information.  You may also include pictures or sketches.

2.  Time Line

Make a time line of your life from birth to present.  Be sure to include special milestone dates in your life such as your birth, your first day of school, birth of siblings, etc.  Each timeline should include at least 6 – 8 important events in your life.  You may include pictures or symbols to represent special events.  Consider events that have impacted your whole family and helped to make you the special person that you are today!

2.     Family Poster

Use magazines, newspapers, photographs, and hand drawn pictures to create a poster of families living, working and playing together.  Cut out words or phrases that express how important it is for families to spend time together.  Posters may be taken home or displayed at Tuckahoe.

4.  Coat of Arms

Many families have a special symbol that has existed for many, many years.  These are called various names such as a “Coat of Arms” or “Mon”.  Think about your family and list the qualities or interests that make your family special.  Use this list to create a special symbol (at least 8” x 10”) for your family.  In addition to the symbol, include a written statement about your symbol which clearly explains each part of your design and how it represents your family.

In addition to getting credit for the actual content of your project, you will also be graded on creativity and neatness.  As always, just “do your best” and you will do fine on this evaluation.

Ms. Coffman

Friday, November 9, 2012

Success in the Savanna, 11/9

Dear Parents,

This week has been full of learning opportunities.  The entire school was able to participate in a mock election on Monday.  After learning about the two Presidential candidates the children went to the library and cast their votes.  This was a great opportunity for us to discuss civic duty, majority rule, popular vote versus the Electoral College, as well as to learn about major issues impacting our nation.  Wednesday morning we discussed the results of the election and also spent time talking about Veteran’s Day.  We made cards to send to men and women who are currently serving our country.  Finally, we did some exploration outside to determine what makes something living vs. non-living.  Despite the one day break for elections, it was a busy, busy work week!

As you know, Monday was the end of the first quarter.  Our next unit of study in Social Studies will be Ancient Greece.  We will go back in time and learn what life was life during this period.  In Science we will be learning about animals, their habitats, and adaptations.  Math will focus on adding and subtracting larger numbers, and spiral back to a mini unit on measurement and telling time.  The pace of our studies will increase (just a bit) during the second quarter. I am confident that the children will be able to meet these new challenges if they keep doing the good job they have done to date. 

As fall sports are starting soon, please be sure to submit new schedules so that I can attend games.  Look below for some important November dates to place on your calendars.  Have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 10- Tuckahoe/HB Woodlawn 5K Run
Monday, November 12- Veteran’s Day Holiday- No School
Friday, November 16- Report Cards Issued
Wed., Nov. 21-Fri., Nov. 23- Thanksgiving Break- No School

Ms. Coffman

Monday, November 5, 2012

Review Questions for Maps/Globes Test

A flat representation of the world or a part of the world is called a _______________?

What is a compass rose?



A spherical representation of the world is called a __________________?

What line is located at 0 degrees LATITUTDE?

What line is located at 0 degrees LONGITUDE?

Name the four continents that begin with the letter “A”.

Name the three continents that do not begin with the letter “A”.

What ocean borders North America on the east coast?

What ocean borders North America on the west coast?

What ocean surrounds the continent of Antarctica?

What ocean is south of Asia and east of Africa?

What ocean is located only in the northern hemisphere?

What map tool is used to determine distance on a map?

What map tool contains symbols and other valuable information?

The lines of latitude and longitude cross over each other creating a web like pattern.  This is called a ________________________.

Which state borders Virginia directly to the south?

What two states border Virginia to the north?

What two states border Virginia to the west?

What bodies of water border the east coast of Virginia?

What is the capital of Virginia?

What is the capital of the United States?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo Make Ups 11/5

From: Kristen Van Sice <>
Date: Thursday, November 1, 2012 9:42 PM
To: Marnie Lewis <>
Subject: REMINDER: Picture Retakes/Makeups Monday


This is a reminder that picture retakes/makeups are Monday morning (November 5). Only children needing retakes or makeups will be photographed.  There is no schedule.  I will stop by between 9 and 10 and bring only those students needing photos to the multipurpose room.  The student will need to bring either an original picture package or a new order form with them.

Retakes:  Have students bring their unwanted photos with them to the retake.  No payment is necessary.

Makeups:  Students should pick up an order form from the front office and then bring the payment with them on Monday.  (This also applies for students who forgot to bring payment for the first picture day)

School pictures will be taken again in the spring.

I am attaching the notice to parents in case you need it.

Please contact me with any questions.  Thank you,  Krissy Van Sice

Maps and Globes Test, 11/7

Just a reminder to all students that our Maps and Globes test will be held on Wednesday, November 7.  Portfolios and study guides are being sent home today.  We will do an in-class quiz and review on Monday.  It is my hope that little home review will be needed.  Please look to the student portfolio and study guide for further information.

Success in the Savanna, 11/2

Dear Parents,

          I want to begin this note with a thank you to Erica Burson, Julia Shellhouse, Hilde Block, and ALL my parents who helped to coordinate a lovely celebration after our parade on Wednesday.  Your many contributions of time and healthy snacks were greatly appreciated.   We were also delighted to have so many parents attend the parade and visit our classroom.  It was a fun morning and we still managed to accomplish a little bit of content learning!

 It is hard to believe that Monday will be the end of the first quarter.  The children have made many changes since September which can be seen in all parts of their day.  For the most part, everyone is used to the daily routines, the homework procedures, and done well with test taking.  The pace of our studies will begin to increase (just a bit) during the second quarter. I am confident that the children will be able to meet these new challenges if they keep doing the good job they have done to date.  I would like to remind you to go over your child’s assignments with them when they get home and have them explain what they need to do that evening.  Once your child has completed their work, review it with them, and then have them put all their work and supplies back in their backpack.  Turning in the work is the final (and easiest) step in the process!

As we work to catch up on days lost, I want to remind all students that our Maps and Globes test will be held on Wednesday, November 7.  Portfolios are being sent home today and students will take a review quiz on Monday.  Expectations will be clearly explained on the study guide provided to each student.  I realize that this test takes place after our Election Day break.   Hopefully, minimal review beyond our in class review will be needed.

I would like to remind everyone to let me, as well as Mirna Lopez ( our attendance secretary, know if your child will be out for the day.  This can be done by email the day they are out.  After your child returns to school they will have both classwork and homework to make up.  They will be given a couple of days to make up any missed work.  If they need a longer amount of time to complete these assignments, please let me know.

Also with the cooler temperatures coming in, please remind your child to have a jacket, hat, mittens etc. with them as they come to school.  We do go outside everyday and we want your child to be dressed appropriately.  If your child comes home without any of these, please remember to check the lost and found for any missing items.

          Below are some important November dates to place on your calendars.  If you could please let me know if your child will not be at school on Monday or Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving I would appreciate it. 

Monday, November 5- End of First Quarter
Monday, November 5- Tuckahoe Mock Election
Tuesday, November 6- Election Day
Tuesday, November 6- Teacher Work Day- No School for students
Wednesday, November 7- Maps and Globes Unit Test
Saturday, November 10- Tuckahoe/HB Woodlawn 5K Run
Monday, November 12- Veteran’s Day Holiday- No School
Friday, November 16- Report Cards Issued
Wed., Nov. 21-Fri., Nov. 23- Thanksgiving Break- No School

Have a great weekend!


                                                                   Ms. Coffman