Friday, May 30, 2014

Success in the Savanna, 5/30

Dear Parents:

            We are done! The children all did a great job as they took all the SOL tests over the past two weeks.  They took their time, reviewed their answers and felt they knew the material that was covered.  Now we can put our collective focus on getting ready for Tuckahoe Town.

            As you have heard, we began talking about Tuckahoe Town on Wednesday afternoon.  The children will be working in groups to create a business selling a good or service. They will be required to work within a budget, and at the end will see if they were able to run their business at a profit or a loss.  Tuckahoe Town will take place on Wednesday morning June 11th from 11 am-12 pm.  I hope you will be able to join us for this annual event.

            This week we also welcomed Thy Dai to our classroom.  Thy is a former student of mine who is a senior at Yorktown High School.  She will be working with us for the next several weeks as part of her Senior Experience. 

            The next several weeks will be quite busy with end of the year events.  Please take a moment to put these important dates on your calendars.  I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Upcoming Events

                           Tues. June 3- Book-Swap and Ice Cream Social- 7pm
Wed. June 4- EARLY RELEASE- 1:26pm Dismissal
                           Wed. June 11- Tuckahoe Town- 11:00am-12:00pm
                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 12:00pm-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 1:26pm


Economics website for kids

Friday, May 23, 2014

Interactive Math Practice Site

Success in the Savanna, 5/23/14

Dear Parents:

            As you know, we began our SOL testing on Monday.  The children came into classroom ready to go on Monday morning.  While there was a bit of uncertainty prior to the test, however, when we finished all concerns were gone and many wondered why they had been nervous to begin with.  As the children approached the Social Studies test on Thursday, they were much more relaxed.  I was quite please with the time the children took to answer the questions, and the time they took to review their answers before their final submission.  Next week we will be testing Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.  Just a reminder to have your child get a good night sleep prior to each of these testing days, as well as a good breakfast the morning of the tests.

            With the celebration of Memorial Day this weekend, I would like to once again ask that you have a discussion with your child about the need to finish the year strong.  This means getting homework done and handed in on time, as well as remembering both the school and class rules on a daily basis.  I am excited for these final weeks of school.  Let’s make them count.

            I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Upcoming Events

                         Mon. May 26- Memorial Day- No School
                         Wed. May 28- Math SOL-9:15am
                           Wed. May 28- Rising 4th Grade Orientation- 7pm in the Library
                         Thurs./Fri. May 29-30- Reading SOL-9:15am
                           Wed. June 4- Early Release- 1:26pm Dismissal
                           Wed. June 11- Tuckahoe Town- 11:00am-12:00pm
                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 12:00pm-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 1:26pm


Friday, May 16, 2014

Success in the Savanna, 5/16

Success in the Savanna
Friday May 16, 2014
Dear Parents:

            Once again I’d like to thank all my students and families for the many treats and gifts that I received last week.  I read each letter and card with great joy and will hold onto these for a long time to come.  The other gifts – candles, gift cards, supplies, frame, and more! – are so wonderful and will certainly be used.  Thank you again for your thoughtfulness.

            This week, we continued with our basic content learning and also did a reasonable amount of review for the SOL tests that begin on Monday.  On Wednesday, I sent home a note (see back) and Science review pack that includes important vocabulary from our year of learning.  If you have time this weekend, some quick and general review of the big ideas is appreciated.  Mostly, I just want my students to be well rested and well fed on the morning of our tests – the first one is MONDAY – as we will begin testing on each day promptly at 9:15.  Please be sure that your child arrives at school on time on the scheduled testing days. We cannot allow a late child to enter the testing room once a test has started.   At this point, I feel that we have worked hard all year and that we are ready to “show off” all that we know by taking on these tests.

            While the homework will be a little lighter next week please know that we are not done and students will be learning and working hard through the very last day of school.  I appreciate your continued support and reinforcement in encouraging them to keep up with their homework and school duties.  Certainly, there will be lots of fun coming up in the next month but we must not lose sight of our day-to-day responsibilities.   I am proud of them all and I have no doubt that we will end this year with enormous success!

            I hope everyone has a nice weekend. 

Ms. Coffman

Upcoming Events

Sat. May 17- Home and Garden Tour
                           Mon. May 19- Science SOL- 9:15am
                         Thurs. May 22- Social Studies SOL- 9:15am
                         Mon. May 26- Memorial Day- No School
                         Wed. May 28- Math SOL-9:15am
                           Wed. May 28- Rising 4th Grade Orientation- 7pm in the Library
                         Thurs./Fri. May 29-30- Reading SOL-9:15am
                           Wed. June 4- Early Release- 1:26pm Dismissal
                           Wed. June 11- Tuckahoe Town- 11:00am-12:00pm
                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 11:00am-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Government Test

Please complete the review pages in your text at the end of our Government unit (page 67+).  Also, a review sheet was completed in class today and should be finished for homework if not completed.  This is another good tool, in addition to the portfolio of work, to use in preparation for tomorrow's mini-test (one that should take approx. 20-30 min.).

Thank you!

For Reading SOL Practice (and more)

Third Grade SOL Interactive Games

Friday, May 2, 2014

Success in the Savanna, 5/2/14

Dear Parents:

         This week has been full of good learning and conversation in the classroom.  We have been discussing how a bill becomes a law and shared laughs over some of the crazy laws still on the books in some states. We also worked hard on geometry and measured the volume of boxes.  In science, we concluded a mini-unit on Earth/Space and will kick off our Matter unit on Monday.  In language arts, we are reading in small groups and reviewing singular and plural nouns as well as possessives.  We also finished a writing piece on Spring Break memories.

         I wish to extend a big thank-you to Mrs. Behr for being a presenter for Career Day! The children all enjoyed learning about the various jobs that she and others do.  Most were impressed to know that all jobs involve math, writing, and reading.

         As a reminder, the SOL’s will begin on May 19th.  All of our tests are scheduled to begin at 9:15 am.  It will be important for your child to be on time for school on these testing days.  Please remember that the tests are not timed and the children can take as long as they need to complete them. In the past most of the children have been finished with a given test within an hour or so.  The most important aspect to get “ready” for these tests is for the children to be well rested.  Having a good night’s sleep and regular bedtimes will help immeasurably.  We will begin our testing review next week and I hope that this will help ease any worries about the tests.

         As you look over the upcoming events, please note the Rising 4th Grade Orientation on May 28th.  This meeting will be held in the library at 7pm, and is an opportunity for you to hear from the 4th grade teachers about what to expect for next year.  I hope you will be able to make it.

         I hope everyone will be able to get outside this weekend and enjoy the weather.

Ms. Coffman                                                                         see back ->



                       Fri. May 16- Imagination Stage Field Trip-9am-12:30pm
                           Sat. May 17- Home and Garden Tour
                           Mon. May 19- Science SOL
                         Thurs. May 22- Social Studies SOL
                         Mon. May 26- Memorial Day- No School
                         Wed. May 28- Math SOL
                           Wed. May 28- Rising 4th Grade Orientation- 7pm in the Library
                         Thurs./Fri. May 29-30- Reading SOL