Friday, January 18, 2013

Success in the Savanna, 1/18/13

Dear Parents,

            Here we are at the end of the second quarter of school.  It is hard to believe that that the year is about half over.  All the children have shown gains since the beginning of the year, which are exciting to see.  It is always around this time of year that the children move from being second graders to truly being third graders.  Their confidence and skill begin to cement and they start to take off as independent learners. 

            This was perhaps our busiest and most productive week in some time given the lack of interruptions or breaks.  We continue to move forward in multiplication and are practicing our facts on a daily basis.  I strongly encourage at home review, 10 min. per night, until facts are solidified.  Next week we will slowly move forward into two-digit multiplication and division.  Having strong basic fact control is instrumental for these building skills.  In Language Arts, we have unofficially kicked off our Reader’s Response Journals.  This process will start in earnest next week and you should look for a letter coming home next week that will provide guidance/direction for you and your child.  In Science, we continue to learn about the habitats and will be testing out this unit sometime next week.  In Social Studies, we have journeyed back in time to Ancient Rome and will soon be learning all about the government, daily life, and architecture of this is powerful civilization. 

            In addition to our regular curriculum we took time this week to talk about
Monday’s Presidential Inauguration as well as the contributions of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We completed a lesson on empathy and tried to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes to solve a problem.  Today or Wednesday we will discuss our hopes and dreams for the future.  You may be surprised to hear how many of the students hope not for a video game or play date with a friend but rather a dream for a better, cleaner, and safer world for all people.  Is it any wonder that I love being with your fabulous kids each day.

As you know, the children will be swimming at the new Yorktown pool beginning on Wednesday the 30th through Tuesday the 5th.  Each child will need a suit and towel in a separate bag to take to the pool with them.  Some children do prefer to wear their suits under their clothes as they come to school as we have swimming first thing.  If your child chooses to do this please make sure there is underwear in their bag for them to change into before coming back to school.  As the children will be coming back to school with wet heads, please be sure they have a hat or hood on their coat to cover up for the ride back to Tuckahoe.  We are also in need of a couple more volunteers to help the girls in the locker room.  As I mentioned last week this would entail meeting the bus at the pool at 9:30 to assist the girls in changing and getting onto the pool deck with their towels, and then again at about 10:30 to help them change back into their street clothes and make sure nothing is left behind in the locker room.  If you can help with any part of our swimming week with this please let me know. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars:

Friday, January 18- End of 2nd Quarter
Monday, January 21- Dr. King Holiday- Schools Closed
Tuesday, January 22- Teacher Workday- No school for students
Friday, January 25- Disco Dance-7pm
Wednesday, January 30- Tuesday February 5- Swimming

            As always, I appreciate your help and support.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. 


Ms. Coffman

Friday, January 11, 2013

Success in Savanna, 1/11/13

Dear Parents,

          We spent this week getting back into the full swing of school.  We took some time to review school and class rules, as well as to talk about expectations for the coming months.  Academically, the children participated in the first Continental Math League competition, learned about forest habitats and ancient Rome, and worked on their first of many response journal entries.  We also celebrated with those that participated in the Reflections contest (Alexandra and Joy).  We also had a special visit and presentation from members of the ACE, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment.  Overall, it was a busy and productive week. 

          We have begun our unit on Multiplication. In this unit, the children will learn their multiplication facts from 1-12. To help with this unit, each child will need a set of multiplication flash cards at home to help with the daily review of these facts. I am assigning an additional 10 minutes of practice of facts each night as part of the daily homework.  This practice can be with the flash cards, a computer game, or with an app on a hand held device.  A great resource for computer games is the Tuckahoe web site.  Under the “Links” tab there is a list of Math sites.  Some sites we have practiced in class include,,, and  See our classroom blog for other fun options and please let me know if you and your child find another site that you enjoy.  I will be sure to share it with the class.

On Thursday I sent home permission slips for our week of swimming at Yorktown pool.  This is part of our PE curriculum and a fun week for the children.  I would like to ask that these slips be returned no later than Tuesday January 15th.  We do need some help with this activity.  We need a couple of parents to meet the bus at Yorktown at 9:30, and then again at 10:30 to assist the girls in changing in the locker room.  This task can be shared between individuals throughout the week.  If you can help with this, please let me know. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars:
Friday, January 18- End of 2nd Quarter
Monday, January 21- Dr. King Holiday- Schools Closed
Tuesday, January 22- Teacher Workday- No school for students
Friday, January 25- Disco Dance-7pm
Wednesday, January 30- Tuesday February 5- Swimming at Yorktown Pool
          As always, I appreciate your help and support.  Have a great weekend!
Ms. Coffman

Thursday, January 10, 2013