Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Food Web Project In Class 2/28

Food Web Project/Assessment
Assigned:  February 22, 2013
Project/In Class:  February 28, 2013

Recently, in class, we created food chains that show the path of food/energy through the environment.  As example, our chain started with the sun and the energy passed from the grass to the cricket, the frog, the snake, and the hawk.  However, most animals eat more than one kind of food.  For this reason, an animal is a part of more than one food chain.  In fact, these chains overlap to form a food web.  In class, on Thursday, you will make a model of a food web. 

You may review the project description on pages B60 and B61 of your book.  You may also use the information that you collected in class about your research animal or any other information that you have learned about during this unit.  Finally, you may use the internet to research information about food webs and find many examples.   You are not allowed to bring in a pre-printed model of your web.  All ideas and information must be kept in your head or drafted, in your own penmanship, on a piece of draft paper. 

Your project may be a 2D or 3D model and you may create it using any materials that you feel are appropriate.  As always, I suggest that you use recycled materials or materials that are available in class.  I discourage you from buying special or costly materials to create your project.  I will provide the materials described on page B60 (paper, index cards, glue, and crayons). As always, you are welcome to use other craft materials available in the classroom. 

In addition to the web, you will be asked to write a one-page paper that describes the flow of energy throughout your web.   Your paper should include important vocabulary words such as energy, predator, prey, producer, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, and interact.  Your paper should describe clearly how the energy is passed from the sun through each part of the chains and web. 

You will have approx. 75 minutes to complete this project so it would be wise to plan out your work schedule in your head or on your draft paper.  I have no doubt that you will do fine on this project if you are well-prepared and work hard during the time provided.  A rubric for the expected project is included on the back of this sheet.  This should help you to prepare for and create your project.   I can’t wait to see our finished projects on Thursday!

Ms. Coffman

Friday, February 22, 2013

Succes in the Savanna, 2/22

Dear Parents:

            I want to thank all my parents who joined us last Friday for our trip to the Outdoor Lab.  The weather was perfect and the hike, machine centers, cabin lunch, and nature center were all outstanding.  It was honestly one of the best trips that I’ve had to the facility in the last nine years.   I appreciate all the extra hands that assisted with this effort. 

Can you believe we have already been in school for over 100 days!  Wednesday was the 100th day of school, which means we are more that half way through this year.  We have recently finished units in social studies and math and will be concluding a short unit in science next week.  We will take a break from multiplication and division and devote time next week to measurement.  Despite this break, please do not let your child ease up on the fact practice taking place at home.  We will continue to take weekly practice drills and will return to higher order multiplication and division (fractions!) in the near future. 

On Wednesday, February 27th we will be having our annual Curriculum Day.  This will be an opportunity for you to come join your child as we rotate through various curricular activities.  This is a fun way for you to get a taste of some of the different Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts activities your child is engaged in throughout the year.  This school-wide event will be from 9:30-11:30.  There is a separate flyer in your child’s Friday Folder with additional details. 

            As you know Parent Teacher Conferences are on Thursday and Friday March 7-8. I sent home an “early bird” sign up sheet last week and am sending an updated sheet this week to those who have not scheduled a meeting.  You may also feel free to email me with a suggested date and time.  I look forward to meeting with you all soon to review your child’s success and goals for the remainder of the year.    

            Three years ago, the Third Grade began a garden for the “Plot for Hunger” project.  This community service project helps to grow fruits and vegetable for the AFAC food bank.  As a grade level we will be planting our garden again this year.  We will be planting seeds for some of our vegetables on March 6th.  These seeds will be germinated inside, under the grow lights in the hallway near our room.  Once it is warm enough, we will move them to the greenhouse and then transplant them in the beds outside.  We will need extra hands in the coming months to help make this service project a success.  If you are interested in helping please let me know.  (There is no need for any garden experience to help!)

            Enjoy the weekend!


Ms. Coffman
See back for list of upcoming events! à
Upcoming Events

Wednesday, February 27th- Curriculum Day
Thursday-Friday March 7-8- Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday March 15- Disco Dance
Monday March 18-22- Book Fair
Monday March 25-Friday March 29- Spring Break
Monday April 1- Teacher Work Day- No School for Students



Thursday, February 21, 2013

Math Test Tips/Review Sheet

Dear Students/Parents:

Tomorrow, you will have your second and final test on multiplication and division facts.  For this test, you will need to know:

1.    The multiplication and division facts through the 12 times table.  For example:  “9 x 3”, “12 x 4”, “8 ÷ 8”, and “36 ÷ 6”.
2.    How to solve multiplication problems using (1) two or three digit factor and (1) one digit factor.  For example:  “46 x 4” or “246 x 4”.
3.    How to solve word problems using multiplication and division.  For example, “Ms. Coffman’s class went on a field trip.  There were a total of twenty students and four chaperones.  How many students were in each chaperone’s group?”
4.    The correct definition for each of these words:  “factor”, “product”, multiple, “dividend”, “divisor”, and “quotient”. 
5.    What happens when you multiply or divide any number by “1” or “0”.
6.    The Identity Property of multiplication that states that any number multiplied by “1” is always equal to the same number.
7.    The Commutative Property of multiplication that states that rearranging the order of the factors in a multiplication sentence will not change the product.

The best source for information includes:
·      returned homework
·      class assignments including level challenges
·      returned quizzes and tests
·      multiplication practice links available on the “Tuckahoe” links page
·      internet websites – my favorite sites are included below!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Sign up for conferences today!

Ms. Coffman’s Spring 2013 Conference Schedule

If possible, please sign up now for a parent/teacher conference.  I am available as early as the 20th of Feb.  If you have a specific request due to sibling (or the date assigned below will not work), please let me know as soon as possible.

You are welcome to sign up for more than one period if you feel that more than 25 minutes is needed.  If you do not find a time or date that fits your schedule, please let me know and we will coordinate another meeting time.  Thank you!

Wed., Feb. 20, 2013
7:50 – 8:15 am                   _________________________________

8:20 – 8:45                      _________________________________

Fri., Feb. 22, 2013

       4:00 – 4:25                       _________________________________

Mon., Feb. 25, 2013

4:00 – 4:25                       _________________________________

4:30 – 4:55                       _________________________________

Tues., Feb. 26, 2013
7:50 – 8:15 am                   _________________________________

8:20 – 8:45                      _________________________________

Wed., Feb. 27, 2013
7:50 – 8:15 am                   _________________________________

8:20 – 8:45                      _________________________________

2:00 – 2:25 pm                   _________________________________

2:30 – 2:55                       _________________________________

3:00 – 3:25                       _________________________________

3:30 – 3:55                       _________________________________

Fri., Mar. 1, 2013

       4:00 – 4:25                       _________________________________

Wed., Mar. 6, 2013
7:50 – 8:15 am                   _________________________________

8:20 – 8:45                      _________________________________

2:00 – 2:25 pm                   _________________________________

2:30 – 2:55                       _________________________________

3:00 – 3:25                       _________________________________

3:30 – 3:55                       _________________________________

4:00 – 4:25                       _________________________________

4:30 – 4:55                       _________________________________

Thursday, March 7, 2013 - am

8:20 – 8:45                       __________________________________

8:50 – 9:15                      __________________________________

9:20 – 9:45                       __________________________________

9:50 – 10:15                            __________________________________

10:20 – 10:45                    __________________________________

10:50 – 11:15                    __________________________________

11:20 – 11:45                    __________________________________

Thursday, March 7, 2013 - pm

12:50 – 1:15                            __________________________________

1:20 – 1:45                       __________________________________

1:50 – 2:15                       __________________________________

2:20 – 2:45                       __________________________________

2:50 – 3:15                       __________________________________

3:20 – 3:45                       __________________________________

3:50 – 4:15                       __________________________________

4:20 – 4:45                       __________________________________

Friday, March 8, 2013 - am

8:20 – 8:45                       __________________________________

8:50 – 9:15                       __________________________________

9:20 – 9:45                       __________________________________

9:50 – 10:15                            __________________________________

10:20 – 10:45                    __________________________________

10:50 – 11:15                    __________________________________

11:20 – 11:45                    __________________________________

Cut above and return below

My first choice for meeting is:                   ___________________________________

My second choice for meeting is:                ___________________________________


Phone or Email:  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Success in the Savanna, 2/8/13

Dear Parents,

            I hope this note finds you at the end of a good week.  In class we continue our studies of multiplication and division, Ancient Rome, word study/word masters, food webs, and more.   We will be tests in social studies and math (division) next week.  Please have your child continue to practice their multiplication and division facts for a minimum of 10 minutes each night.

            Thanks to my many parents who assisted us at Yorktown pool during our week of swim.  Reports from our PE teachers and pool staff were extremely complimentary.   I am proud of all my swimmers!

            I have several housekeeping items to share with you this week. 

  1. You will receive a note about our planned Valentine’s Day activities in your child’s Friday Folder.  I have also included a list of names and emails for all our students in this week’s folder. 
  2. We will have our annual Curriculum Day on Wednesday February 27th from 9:30-11:30.  This is an opportunity for you to rotate through several learning activities with your child.  I hope you will be able to join us. 
  3. Our Outdoor Lab Trip is scheduled for next Friday, Feb. 15th.  Please see general information coming home today in the Friday Folder.
  4. Parent Teacher conferences will be March 7th and 8th.   I am working on a sign-up for these meetings and should have this available to you next week.  I will offer some earlier opportunities to meet so if that is something you desire, look for it soon. 

I hope you and your family have a relaxing weekend.


                                                                                    Ms. Coffman