Friday, December 21, 2012

Success in Savanna, 12/21

Dear Parents,

This week has been a whirlwind of activity in Third Grade.  The children have completed several units of study with unit tests, shared their cooking talents, and created some beautiful Brass Rubbings.  It has been a lovely way to celebrate the upcoming holiday break.  I appreciate all the additional help you have offered to help make these activities happen, both at home and here at school. 

As we look towards the coming weeks, I would like to ask again for basketball, or other winter team schedules.  I was able to catch one of the games last Friday evening and it was fun seeing the boys play, as well as to see two former Tuckahoe students working as referees. 

There is no homework for the holidays beyond our usual reading each night.  I have offered all students an optional holiday pack as well as an extra credit science project that involves a “newly discovered species”.  Information about both can be found in binder pockets.  Please feel no pressure to do either.  I simply like to make these offers as some kids and families are looking for these sorts of shared learning opportunities. 

I hope you and your family are able to relax, and spend time with loved ones during the break.  I would also like to ask that we all keep the families, friends and community of Newtown, CT in our thoughts and prayers as we celebrate during this holiday season.
Enjoy the holiday break.  I look forward to hearing about vacations when we return on Thursday, January 3, 2013.  Thank you for entrusting your children to me each day. 

                                                                   Ms. Coffman

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Science Test Reminder

Thanks to all the parents and family members that attended our Healthy Feast today. It was a great success and I feel strongly that the Food Nework channel and chefs have nothing on the third graders at Tuckahoe!

In our race to exit/pack up today, we did not write homework. The only real item to complete is to prepare for the science test tomorrow. Portfolios and study guides were sent home yesterday. We did a short quiz this morning that was also sent home. Overall, minimal review is expected but I do hope that students at least look over the vocabulary list and questions provided on the study guide which can be found in the portfolio's inside cover.

Have a good night and I look forward to seeing eveyone tomorrow.

Theresa Coffman
Tuckahoe ES .

Monday, December 17, 2012

Healthy Holiday Feast

Dear Family Friends:

The students are eagerly putting together invites to share with you.  Until it is delivered tomorrow, please know that you are welcome to join us for our Healthy Holiday Feast this Wed. at 11:30 am in our classroom.  The students will briefly share about their experience / present dishes (if applicable) and then we will enjoy a healthy lunch together.  Students are also welcome to bring their lunches but I suspect that there will be sufficient food for our crowd.  We will share lunch and stories until about 1 pm when we will start our clean up and pack up.  Again, please feel welcome to join us for this special event and holiday celebration.

For note, our Friday schedule will involve a variety of rotations including the Brass Rubbing.  These will conclude between 12 and 12:30.  Although we will not be hosting a party on that date, we will have a holiday-themed afternoon with stories, card-making, and snowman video.  My room parent has generously offered to send in a special afternoon treat on that day and that seems like the perfect way to conclude the day and otherwise busy week. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about this Wed. or the events on Friday.  I appreciate all that have offered to help on Friday.  Please report to the classroom or multipurpose room at about 9:15 that morning.  And, if you have not sent in your $7 for this event, please do so as soon as possible.

Thank you for everything and I look forward to sharing this special week of learning and holiday traditions with your child.

Theresa Coffman
Tuckahoe ES

Friday, December 14, 2012

Success in the Savanna, 12/14

Dear Parents,

The excitement surrounding the holidays continues to build. Monday, we were treated to the sounds of the season by the 4th Grade band, orchestra and chorus with their annual holiday concert. This concert gave the children a small taste of the music programs they can participate in next year.  Today, a couple of our parents shared Hanukkah treats and more.  We will be sharing further holiday stories through next week so I look forward to hearing all about your family traditions!

Even with the excitement of the coming break, we have been able to finish two units in Social Studies and Math.  We will conclude our Science unit on Animals/Adaptations next week.  In Health, we have just started our unit on healthy foods.  As you already know, this unit ties nicely with our Healthy Holiday project which is due next Wed.  Further information follows below.  In Language Arts, we are nearing the completion of our study of various reading strategies and will soon be applying these to our reading group selections.  We have so many exciting things to look forward to in 2013!

On Wednesday December 19th we will be having a “Healthy Food Celebration.”  This is a class luncheon with the foods the children would like to make and bring in to share with their classmates.  It is fun to see the pride the children take in presenting their dish and talking about how they created it.  If your child will be bringing in their dish to share with the class, please bring enough food for 6-8 people.  If you are able to join us for this special lunch, please let me know.

Friday December 21st brings the London Centre for Brass Rubbing back to Tuckahoe.  This in-school field trip affords the children the opportunity to learn about the history of brass rubbing and to create their own replica of a rubbing.  There is a fee of $7.00 for the children to participate in this program.  This hands-on morning of learning does require many hands to make it go smoothly.  If you are able to help for any part of the morning, please let me know. 

I appreciate those of you who have let me know about your children’s concerts and performances. While I can’t always make them all, I do like the opportunity to talk to the children about their outside interests.  I know that Friday Night basketball has begun, and would like to have team schedules.  If your son or daughter is playing this winter, please forward me their schedule. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars;
          Wednesday, December 19th- Healthy Food Feast 11:30 am
          Friday, December 21st- London Centre for Brass Rubbings 9:15-12:00pm
Monday December 24 – Wednesday, January 2 - Winter Break
          Thursday, January 3- School Reopens
I hope the weekend is fun for everyone. 


Ms. Coffman

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A great math site!

Look for options such as Addition Table or Subtraction Table under Exercises.  There are also other options under this section or games section.  Have fun playing and learning!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ancient Greece Test 12/14

Study Guide for Ancient Greece Test

There will be a final test on the information we have covered about Ancient Greece on Friday, December 14th.  You will need to review all the materials that we have gone over in class, as well as information that we will be completing this week.  Use your text book, pages 20 – 23, in addition to your portfolio. 

Below are some of the important words that you will need to know for the test as well.  You will also need to find Europe, Greece, and Crete on a map and label the important city states of Athens and Sparta.  You will also need to label the Mediterranean Sea. 

Acropolis/Mt. Olympus
Direct Democracy
Majority Vote
Mountainous Land
Roles of Men and Women
Zeus and other mythological gods
Roles of Boys and Girls
Olympic Games
Mediterranean Sea

Finally, consider the research that we completed in class or during library time.  You learned about city-states (Athens and Sparta) and discovered information about a mythical god or goddess.  You may be asked to share what you learned so be sure to review this information. 

As always, do your best and I know you will be proud of your grade!

Math Test Reminder

Our Unit 5 Math test is tomorrow, Wed. 12/12.  Study guides to assist in test preparation were sent home last Friday.  Duplicates can be found in the hard cover student text, volume 1, at the end of Unit 5.  Further information to review includes all returned homework and classwork. 

Healthy Holiday Project (due 12/19)

December 11, 2012

Dear Student:

We are just kicking off Chapter 4 in our Health book but you need to know about an exciting and yummy project that will conclude our unit.  Please read the information below and return this contract by not later than Friday, Dec. 14h.  See below for more important news!

Your chapter 4 project will be “take home test” of a different sort!  As this chapter is all about healthy foods and good nutrition, this is your chance to apply some of that knowledge in your own home with your family.  Your test for this chapter will be to find an age-appropriate recipe for any type of healthy food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, appetizer, etc.).  Your grade for the test will be your choice based on the requirements below.  Please discuss this test and the grading options with your parents and return the bottom portion of this form to me by Friday, December 14th.  The final projects are due by Wednesday, December 19th.  Coincidentally, that is the same day that we will be doing our “Healthy Holiday Celebration” in the third grade so you are welcome to bring your healthy food to share on that day if you want to (note:  bringing your food to share is NOT a requirement for the grading).

Your options for grading are:

1.              A grade of “C” will be issued for completing the following:
Find a recipe on line or in an age-appropriate recipe book that is healthy and full of nutrients.  Use your text, Chapter 4, and the food guide pyramid or the NEW USDA food plate ( to determine what foods are most healthy.  On a sheet of notebook paper and in your best penmanship, copy the recipe including the ingredient list and the directions for making your recipe.  Write a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, that explains why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.  Consider what ingredients or cooking methods make it so healthy. 

2.              A grade of “B” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required above in (1) for a grade of C.  Additionally, you must MAKE the recipe on your own but with the assistance of parent or other adult.  Again, include a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, about why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.

3.              A grade of “A” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required in (1) and (2) above for a grade of B.  Additionally, you must write a second paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, which RATES your final food product!   For example, if the process was fun and the food was very good, then give “the chef” or “the recipe” a high rating.  If the process was very difficult and you didn’t think the food was very good, give “the chef” or “recipe” a low rating.  The rating you issue will not effect your score (in other words you can think the recipe was hard to do or that the food was not that great and still get your A). 

Students who do not participate or do not turn in a recipe of any type will receive an E for this assignment.  Please submit the recipes and paragraphs on standard notebook paper as I intend to create a cookbook using all the recipes and this format will ease the process.  Notebook paper is available in our classroom for your use.  Also, I have several child-friendly, cookbooks in my classroom and can recommend many others if you need assistance.  For example, Mollie Katzen (“The Moosewood Cookbook”) is a cookbook writer who has done several cookbooks for children such as “Honest Pretzels” and “Pretend Soup”.  Also, the internet offers a variety of wonderful websites such as those listed below:

The Food Network/Recipes                

The Washington Post/Food Section/Recipe Finder

Cooking Light Magazine/Recipe Finder

Good luck on this project.  I hope you will have fun as you discover “hands-on” the value of healthy eating and good nutrition.

Please see me if you have any questions.

Ms. Coffman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -cut off and turn in the form below- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Ms. Coffman:

I have read the above letter and discussed this project with my parent(s).  We have agreed that I want to earn a/an ___________ (put in letter grade based on scoring requirements above) on this test/project.  I will complete the work as described above and have my completed project ready to turn in by Wednesday, Dec. 19th.  If I choose to share my food with my classmates, I will bring it to our holiday celebration on the 19th.

Student Signature                             Parent Signature

Friday, December 7, 2012

Success in the Savanna, 12/7

Dear Parents,

We are at the end of another good week of learning.  We are coming close to ending three units of study so it will be a race to the finish line in the following weeks.  Tests next week will include math and Ancient Greece (Math Wed./Greece Fri.).  The following week we will conclude our Animal unit (A).  Portfolios and study guides will be coming home next week.  As always, I don’t expect hours of study but do hope that some review over the course of two evenings takes place.  Additionally, we will wrap up a chapter in Health and start a new and exciting one on healthy food choices.  This will tie nicely will our holiday healthy lunch celebration that will take place the week before winter break.   Information on that project and event will also be coming home soon.

In language arts, we are just about to conclude our early year units on building a writer’s community and learning the basic strategies for becoming a stronger reader.  As such, we will start a more structured writer’s workshop in our classroom and students will soon be formulating response letters that demonstrate the strategies they are using in their personal reading.  This is a big shift in our language arts instruction and it will take place over the course of the next several weeks.   For those of you who offered to assist in the classroom with editing, look to hear from me in January about opportunities to help.

  On Friday December 21st we will be have the London Brass Rubbing Centre come to demonstrate the art of Brass Rubbing to the children on This is a long standing Tuckahoe tradition for the third grade and we will need extra hands to help the children with the rubbings.  The program will begin at 9:30 with a 30-minute explanation of the art of brass rubbing and who would have had a rubbing made for them.  From 10-12:00 pm all the children will have an opportunity to make their rubbing as well as complete several other craft projects.  If you can lend a hand for all or part of this special project, please let me know.   Thank you for considering volunteering during this busy time of the year.
With the basketball season in full swing, several of the kids have asked me if I can come to their games.  I would enjoy the opportunity to fit some of these in, but will need schedules to coordinate the dates.  If you would be kind enough to forward me your child’s schedule, I would appreciate it. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars;

          Monday December 10th- 4th Grade Winter Concert- 7pm
Wednesday December 12th- 5th Grade Winter Concert- 7pm
                   Wednesday December 19th-Healthy Food Lunch/Early Release
Friday December 21st-London Brass Rubbings- 9:30-12pm
Monday December 24th- Friday December 28th- Winter Break
                   Thursday January 3, 2013- School Reopens

          Have a nice weekend!
                                                        Ms. Coffman