Monday, December 19, 2011

Math Test News

We will conclude our Unit 5 study with a test on Thursday (12/23) morning.  Major concepts include addition/subtraction (word problems and comparisons), counting money and making change, rounding numbers, and reading tables.  A sample test can be found in the student, hard cover handbook, Vol. 1.  These books will be sent home Tuesday.  Additionally, we will be completing a practice test on Wed. that can be used for additional review on Wed. night.  I don't think further review will be needed - many of these concepts are extensions of previous units.  Please contact me if you have any questions.

Sentence Codes for Homework 12/19

Declarative (Statement)        D              “.”
Interrogative (Question)       IN            “?”
Imperative (Command)           IM           “.” Or “!”
Exclamatory (Excitement)      E              “!”

Friday, December 16, 2011

Success in the Savanna 12/16/11

Dear Parents,

Tuesday’s brass rubbings, mosaics, and holiday crafts were a lot of fun for everyone.  The holiday excitement extended into Wednesday when we were treated to the sounds of the season by the 4th Grade band, orchestra and chorus with their annual holiday concert. This gave the kids a small taste of the music programs they can participate in next year.  We ended the week with the 5th graders sharing their music with us.  What a merry week!

Our studies continue and it looks as if both our science and social studies units will conclude after our return from break.  With a little push, I hope to conclude Unit 5 in math next week.  Students can expect a short test on Wed. or Thurs.  Concepts to be covered include higher order addition/ subtraction, word problems, rounding, and money purchases.  Look for more information about this test on Monday.

As you know, on Wednesday December 21st we will be having a “Healthy Food Celebration.”  This is a class luncheon in which the students bring their healthy food creations to share with their classmates.  It is fun to see the pride the children take in presenting their dishes.  Please know that it is not a project requirement that children bring their project meal to share.  But, if they do so, it is nice to consider portions for approx. 6 – 8 people. 

Last week the children brought home information about this year’s Gratitude Baggie project.  This year the children are being asked to count the amount of different foods in the house, and donate change to reflect the number of these items in your home.  This year all monies collected are going to be used in two different ways.  First, some of the monies will go Heifer International to purchase animals for communities around the world.  Other monies will stay closer to home with a donation to the Arlington Food Assistance Center.  During this time of giving, please consider participating in this worthy project.  Extra copies of the gratitude form are included in this week’s folder.

Finally, I appreciate the many invites to holiday concerts or sporting events.  I am getting out to as many of these as possible.  I know too that basketball season is starting so I appreciate folks sending in these schedules as soon as possible.  I will try to get to at least one event for each child.  Your efforts in helping this to happen are appreciated. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars;
Wednesday, December 21st- Healthy Food Feast 11:00 am (see Invite in Friday Folder)
          Friday, December 23 – Monday, January 2 - Winter Break
          Tuesday, January 3- School Reopens
I hope the weekend is fun for everyone. 


                                                                   Ms. Coffman

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Websites for Rounding Practice

Try these links at home to boost your rounding skills!   this one is also good for place value practice!

Health Project Due 12/21

Dear Student:

We are just kicking off Chapter 4 in our Health book but you need to know about an exciting and yummy project that will conclude our unit.  Please read the information below and return this contract by not later than Wednesday, December 14th.  See below for more important news!

Your chapter 4 project will be “take home test” of a different sort!  As this chapter is all about healthy foods and good nutrition, this is your chance to apply some of that knowledge in your own home with your family.  Your test for this chapter will be to find an age-appropriate recipe for any type of healthy food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, appetizer, etc.).  Your grade for the test will be your choice based on the requirements below.  Please discuss this test and the grading options with your parents and return the bottom portion of this form to me by Wednesday, December 14th.  The final projects are due by Wednesday, December 21.  Coincidentally, that is the same day that we will be doing our “Healthy Holiday Celebration” in the third grade so you are welcome to bring your healthy food to share on that day if you want to (note:  bringing your food to share is NOT a requirement for the grading).

Your options for grading are:

1.                  A grade of “C” will be issued for completing the following:
Find a recipe on line or in an age-appropriate recipe book that is healthy and full of nutrients.  Use your text, Chapter 4, and the food guide pyramid or the NEW USDA food plate ( to determine what foods are most healthy.  On a sheet of notebook paper and in your best penmanship, copy the recipe including the ingredient list and the directions for making your recipe.  Write a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, that explains why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.  Consider what ingredients or cooking methods make it so healthy. 

2.                  A grade of “B” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required above in (1) for a grade of C.  Additionally, you must MAKE the recipe on your own but with the assistance of parent or other adult.  Again, include a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, about why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.

3.                  A grade of “A” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required in (1) and (2) above for a grade of B.  Additionally, you must write a second paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, which RATES your final food product!   For example, if the process was fun and the food was very good, then give “the chef” or “the recipe” a high rating.  If the process was very difficult and you didn’t think the food was very good, give “the chef” or “recipe” a low rating.  The rating you issue will not effect your score (in other words you can think the recipe was hard to do or that the food was not that great and still get your A). 

Students who do not participate or do not turn in a recipe of any type will receive an E for this assignment.  Please submit the recipes and paragraphs on standard notebook paper as I intend to create a cookbook using all the recipes and this format will ease the process.  Notebook paper is available in our classroom for your use.  Also, I have several child-friendly, cookbooks in my classroom and can recommend many others if you need assistance.  For example, Mollie Katzen (“The Moosewood Cookbook”) is a cookbook writer who has done several cookbooks for children such as “Honest Pretzels” and “Pretend Soup”.  Also, the internet offers a variety of wonderful websites such as those listed below:

The Food Network/Recipes               

The Washington Post/Food Section/Recipe Finder

Cooking Light Magazine/Recipe Finder

Good luck on this project.  I hope you will have fun as you discover “hands-on” the value of healthy eating and good nutrition.

Please see me if you have any questions.

Ms. Coffman

Success in the Savanna 12/9/11

Dear Parents:

We are at the end of another good week of learning.  In Science we are moving forward in our new unit on ecosystems.  In Social Studies, we are taking a virtual field trip to Ancient Greece and taking on the roles of merchants, politicians, soldiers, and historians.  In Math, we are reviewing the concept of rounding and will be working with money and graphing in the coming weeks.  In Health, we are quickly concluding our Chapter 3 study so that we can begin our healthy food unit next week.  This is a fun unit for the children as we learn about the food plate (formerly known as the food pyramid) and healthy food choices.  Coming home today will be information about the healthy food project (due Wed., Dec. 21st).  Not coincidentally, this project culminates in our classroom on Wed., the 21st, for our Healthy Holiday Celebration.  More information about that event will be sent home soon. 

Next week we will have a visit from the London Brass Rubbing Centre.  They will demonstrate the art of Brass Rubbing to the children on Tuesday, December 13th.  This is a long-standing tradition for the third grade and we will need extra hands to help the children with the rubbings.  I’ve had several offers to assist – thank you!  Parents are welcome to join us after 9:15 am in Mrs. DiNardo’s room.  There will be a 30+ minute explanation of the art of brass rubbing.  For those who are unfamiliar with the process, this is actually a very exciting information session.  Thereafter and until noon, all the children will have an opportunity to make their rubbing as well as complete several other craft projects.  Again, all helping hands are welcome so just “report for duty” on Tuesday morning!

Outside of the classroom Tuckahoe is participating in the Gratitude Bag project again this year.  The children are being asked to donate to help those in our community who do not have enough to eat.  I would like to encourage everyone to participate in this worthwhile holiday project.  If you have any questions about this, please let me know or refer to the flyer in the Friday Folder. 

Below are a couple of important dates to put on your calendars;

          Tuesday December 13th- London Brass Rubbings
Wednesday December 14th- Holiday Concert
                   Wednesday December 21st-Healthy Food Feast/Early Release
Friday December 23rd- Monday January 2nd - Winter Break
                   Tuesday January 3rd- School Reopens

           Have a nice weekend.

Ms. Coffman


Friday, December 2, 2011

Success in the Savanna 12/2/11

Dear Parents,

          I hope that you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving with family and friends.  I had the opportunity to host my entire family for Thanksgiving dinner – I’m still cleaning up from the event!

          A special thanks to Mr. Clark and Ms. Kisloff for helping out with our Expeditions this week.  We couldn’t do this without you!

We closed two units this week (in math and science) and opened another in social studies (Ancient Greece).  In Language Arts, we are continuing our discussion on reading strategies.  In the next few weeks, we will start to create journal responses in the classroom that demonstrate our use of these strategies while reading.  Shortly after, these journals will become our weekly homework.  Look for more information about the journal process coming home later this month or in early January.  As writers, we are coming close to the end of our mechanical/grammar review and will start putting greater emphasis on the creation as “super sentences and perfect paragraphs”.  At this point, I am more heavily critiquing writing pieces and looking for correct punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and more.  Neatness is important too so please encourage your child to work towards their most legible productions. 

In addition to all the content focus, we also have a couple of fun projects planned for this month as well.  On Tuesday December 13th members from the London Brass Rubbing Centre will be coming to Tuckahoe to teach the Third Grade about the art of brass rubbing.  The children will have an opportunity to learn about this ancient craft, and create their own rubbing to take home.  We will need volunteers to help with this project as well.  If you would be able to assist us between 9-12 on the 13th, please let me know.    In addition to the Brass Rubbing we will also celebrate the holiday season with our Healthy Food Feast on Wednesday December 21st.  More about this project will be coming home with your child next week. 

With a busy month in front of us, here are a few important dates to put on your calendars.

Tuesday December 13th- London Brass Rubbings (See Fri. Folder)
Wednesday December 14th- Holiday Concert
          Wednesday December 21st-Healthy Food Fest/Early Release
Friday December 23rd-Friday December 30th- Winter Break
          Tuesday, Jan. 3 - School Reopens

          One last request, please forward me any basketball, hockey, or other schedules as you get them.  I was able to visit many of the children earlier this fall but still have several that I have not seen outside of the classroom.  I am still hopeful for this opportunity. 

          Have a great weekend and stay warm.  As always, thank you for all that you do to make our learning experience so rewarding!


                                                                   Ms. Coffman

Beginning next week the Savanna will be sent in electronic form only on my blog.  If you have not had the chance to view it, please visit the Tuckahoe website, Third Grade, and click on the link below my picture. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Migrating Polar Bear Webcam

To see live pictures of polar bears migrating, visit (Always ask a parent before going on line!)

Science Test Dec. 1 - Study Guide

Types of Animals
Unit A – Chapter 2

inherit                           trait                                mammal
bird                               amphibian                    gills
fish                                scales                             reptile
instinct                          hibernate                       migrate
camouflage                   mimicry                        extinct
species                          endangered                   threatened

You will need to know the meaning of (or define) each of the words listed above.  Additionally, you will need to be able to explain or describe these items in your own words.

Learning Objectives/Questions:

1.  What do all animals need to survive?  What are some different types of animals? 

2.  Observe and identify characteristics among mammals, birds, amphibian, reptiles, and birds that allow each to survive.  What adaptations do they have?

3.  What is the difference between instinctive and learned behavior?  Give an example of each.

4.  How do camouflage and mimicry help animals to avoid danger?  Give an example.

5.  Consider what will happen to endangered animals whose populations are decreasing each year.  What can be done to help stop their extinction?

6.  Read and interpret data from a chart or graph to answer questions and form conclusions. 

Science Project In Class Dec. 2!

In class project:  Friday, Dec. 2

Recently Discovered!!!

You are a scientist on an expedition. You found a brand new species of an animal that we studied in class (mammal, bird, fish, reptile, or amphibian).  Unfortunately when you went to take a picture, your research partner knocked your camera out of your hand.  The camera smashed to the ground.  You need to make a model of the animal to show the other scientists back at you lab. 

Think!  What did your animal look like?  In what environment did it live?  What adaptations did it have to help it survive in its environment? What will you call your new discovery?

Brainstorm answers to the questions above.  Write your ideas in note form. List as many ideas as you can think of.  No idea is too small or too outrageous.  These will be your planning notes to use when you construct your model, in class, on Friday. 

When you have finished brainstorming, review your list. Decide which characteristics you will use to build your animal.  Finally, do a sketch of your model below.  Use labels to indicate special parts of your animal that you want to emphasize.  This will be your draft sketch of the model that you will construct, in class on Friday.

On Friday, you will have approx. 50 minutes to construct your animal.  You may use materials in the classroom or bring materials from home.  I encourage you to use recycled materials instead of purchased materials to create your animal.  Each project must include at least one paragraph explaining your animal, its habitat, adaptations, traits, and more.  Be creative and have fun – I can’t wait to see what you have discovered!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday break.  Optional work packs have been sent home.  Please consider doing a little bit of the work for fun - some of the pages would be interesting to share during your holiday celebration.  Have a great break and I look forward to seeing you on Monday, November 28th.   Ms. Coffman

Math Test News

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear Student:

We are closing our third unit in math and will be having a unit test soon after your return from the holiday break,  As homework tonight (and through the test date), your assignment is to review all returned worksheets and to complete the practice test included on pages 95 and 96 of your Math Expressions Text, Volume I. 

The test will be given on Tuesday, November 29th.  I will be offering a learning lunch for all those who would like a little extra practice on Monday, November 28th.

I also encourage you to visit any one of the math sites that we’ve used this year.  Some of my favorites for addition/subtraction practice are:

I hope that you have a wonderful break but don’t forget to practice a little bit of math so you are ready for this test.   Thank you for your hard work always!

Ms. Coffman

Friday, November 18, 2011

Success in the Savanna 11-18-11

Dear Parents,
As we close out this week I want to thank my amazing parents who joined our group at the Outdoor Lab on Tuesday.  Unfortunately, my own health conditions kept me from joining the team but I knew that my parents (and students) would do a superb job despite my absence.  I’ve heard numerous tales about the animals and nature walk – I was so excited to learn that my team even discovered a turtle shell on their walk.  Way to go third grade naturalists!

The first report cards of the year came home with your child today.  Please take a few minutes to go over this document with them during the weekend.  I always suggest reviewing the comments first and then looking over the work skills section to see areas in which the student is already performing at Satisfactory or even Outstanding levels of performance.  Letters such as an “I” or “U” indicate that performance is not yet at a satisfactory level but certainly can reach this level with added effort.  I like to consider these areas as the child’s individual goals for the coming quarter.  Further information about the APS grading system can be found on the back of the blue report card.  These quarterly sheets are yours to keep.  All parents should sign and return the blue, card stock, insert along with the manila envelope and comment sheet.  Additionally, please feel free to contact me if you or your child has any questions about the report card.  Overall, I am very pleased with the performance of my students this quarter.  I eagerly look forward to our many successes in quarter two!

There are also a couple of housekeeping items this week.  First, as of this week I will be posting this document on my blog.  I would like to use the blog as the primary form of delivery after the Thanksgiving break.  You may access my blog through the main Tuckahoe website by going to the classroom tab, choosing third grade and then selecting my classroom website.  Second, I know that the basketball season is quickly approaching.  If any of your children are playing on a team please send me their schedule, as they become available.  I enjoy going to the games on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. 

Below are a few important dates to put on your calendars.
Wed., Nov. 23-Fri., Nov. 25- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Tues, Dec. 13- London Brass Rubbing (more details to follow)
Wed., Dec. 21-Early Release
Fri., Dec. 23-Fri., Dec. 30- Holiday Break- No School
Mon., January 3, 2012- School Reopens

          I hope you and your families enjoy the holiday break and the time together.  I want you all to know how thankful I am to be your child’s teacher.   Each child has touched my heart in a special and unique way. I am grateful to be part of their lives.  To all of you, thank you for sharing them with me each day.


                                                                             Ms. Coffman

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Science Homework Tonight

Please remember to look in your binders tonight to do a little research about an animal that you would like to further research in the classroom.  If you don't pre-select your animal for tomorrow's activity, I will assign one to you.  This is your chance to make your own choice and bring your own information to use for tomorrow's activity.  Thank you for being so responsible!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Outdoor Lab Trip and Forms

We will be visiting the Outdoor Lab on Tuesday, November 15th.  This is a full day trip and all students will need to bring a bagged lunch and drink (tap water available at the site).  Students are asked to dress in warm layers as we never know what to expect with temperatures and it is difficult to accommodate a child who is cold due to insufficient dress.  Please look for the permission slip, medical/emergency form, and other information sent home last Friday.  PLEASE let me know if you would like to chaperone on this date.  Unfortunately, all parents joining us on the 15th will need to provide their own transportation.  However, I will certainly help you to coordinate car pools if you desire to share rides.

Thank you again for your attention to this matter.

Veteran's Day Project

Dear Parents:

Notice went home on Friday about a small service project that we are doing in third grade to support our soldier's in Afghanistan.  Our new PE instructor, Ms. Angerthal, has a husband currently assigned to this mission and we are working with her and his unit to ship letters and small items.  A full list of items and ideas was sent home with the Friday Folder and a reminder is being sent home with your child today.  Further information about soldier requested items can be found at

Please know that this is a voluntary project and your donations are optional.  However, we greatly appreciate any offerings and know too that the soldiers will be most appreciative.  I am sending an email note because I was remiss about posting this project on our Google blog.  Thank you for your understanding and attention to this email notice/request.

As always, I wish you all great health and appreciate all that you do to support our community.

Theresa Coffman
Tuckahoe ES

PS - parent volunteers are welcome to join us Wed. morning between 9:15 and 11:00 to assist with this effort.  Please contact me if you are interested in joining us and I will email further updates as necessary. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter 2 Health Project

The following project was assigned last week. 
Please be prepared for the project this FRIDAY!

On Friday, November 4th, we will be working on projects to share with your classmates.  You will have approx. 45 minutes to complete the project.  You may do any one of the three projects listed below:

            Make a Family Book (see description on page 43 of the text)
            Make a Communication Cartoon (see steps for communication on pages 52 & 53)
            Make a Poster of the Human Life Cycle (see description on page 66)

All work will be completed in class.  You may bring materials from home (such as cut out pictures or words) for your book, cartoon, or poster.  Please do not complete the project at home or spend more than 30 minutes preparing or hunting for materials.  Once again, this is a project to be completed during class time and NOT at home.  You may use your text book or other classroom tools to complete the work.  Poster board and paper will be provided for all projects. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Parade Party

Please look for flyer coming home today (10/28) regarding the parade and party being hosted on Monday, October 31.  Volunteers are welcome to join us in the room at 1:45.  The parade will take place from 2:00 - 2:30.  Student/parents are then welcome to stay for a classroom celebration.  Please contact Jenny Roellke, Jessie's mom, if you have any questions. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Map and Globes Test - Wed. Oct. 26

Our Maps and Globes test is Wed., October 26.  Students were asked to take home portfolios on Friday to review through the weekend as well as tonight and tomorrow.  They will also have a quiz today that will be returned tomorrow.  They should review the quiz tomorrow night and be sure that they are able to answer all the questions.  A study guide and world map has been glued into their portfolio.  These too should be reviewed before the test date.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Map Project - Due Oct. 21

Using information that you have learned about maps, I would like to design a map of your own.  The options for this map are listed below.   The deadline for your own map idea has passed so you must choose one of these options unless you have already received approval from Ms. Coffman.   

1)                Map a favorite room.  Be sure to include doors, windows, furniture and any special features you feel are important.

2)              Create a building floor plan.  Again, remember to include doors, windows, furniture, and any special features you feel are important.

3)              Design a map of your immediate community.  This could be, but is not limited to the street you live on, a favorite area in Arlington, a favorite neighborhood etc.
Although this is a project that you are to complete at home, it should be your own work.  You may ask a parent, sibling, or friend to assist but YOU, the cartographer, must complete the work.  Spend approximately 30 – 45 minutes on this project.  Paper for this project is available in the classroom or you may use a standard sheet of construction paper (9” x 12”). 

As always, have fun and do your best work!

Math Test Reminder


October 17, 2011

Dear Students (and Parents):

Tomorrow is your first math test.  You should review all returned homework and quizzes as well as complete the practice test on pages 43 and 44 of your text book.  Today at our Learning Lunch, we practiced subtraction skills using “gamequarium” and “aaamath”.  Gamequarium can be found via the Tuckahoe kids’ links page; the link for the other site is 

Please remember that our test will include problems and questions about place value, addition and subtraction strategies, addition properties, comparing numbers, odd and even numbers, and fact families.  Further information about the test can be found in the blue review pack that was issued to you last week.  Please be sure to look this over at least once before tomorrow’s test.

Have a good night and mathematically-sweet dreams!
Ms. Coffman

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Blackboard Access to Texts!

Dear Parents:  Look for information coming home today about how to access textbooks on line.  Essentially, your child will sign into the Blackboard link on the Kid's Links page of our Tuckahoe website.  Then, look "For Students" tab at top.  From there, click into the content area (math, science, social studies, etc.) and find the text book(s) for our grade level.  Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!