Friday, June 13, 2014

Success in the Savanna, 6/13

Dear Parents:

            Thank you to everyone who came and supported Tuckahoe Town on Wednesday morning.  The children all were so excited to promote and sell their goods and services to everyone.  All the groups did a wonderful job of working together, staying on budget, and learning that you do have to keep track of all your expenses.

            As you know, next week is the last week of school.  We will be wrapping up several small projects and getting the room ready for summer.  We will also write and send our final pen pal notes to our friends in France.  They are sending us their final notes as well.  As I am unsure if their notes will reach up before next Friday, I would like to ask that you send in a self addressed stamped envelope with your child next week.  When the pack of notes does reach us, I will forward them on to your child at home.  I would also like to ask that you send in an empty knapsack with your child on Monday so we can begin to send supplies home for the summer. 

            As a part of our End of Year Celebration, I will be hosting a last day lunch (Coffman Café) for my students and family members.  Further details are provided in flyer included in today’s Friday Folder.  Also, the third grade picnic is Tuesday.  Please remember that students should bring their own sandwich although drinks and other snacks will be provided. 
Please take a look at the list of calendar events below.  I hope you will be able to join us for the class picnic on Tuesday and/or our Friday lunch. 

Upcoming Events

                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 12:00pm-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 1:26pm
                           Friday June 20 – Coffman Café Lunch, 11:45-1:00
                           Thursday August 28- Open House- 10:00 am
                           Tuesday Sept. 2- First Day of School


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Last Day Coffman Cafe for Students & Families

Coffman Café Lunch
Friday, June 20, 2014
11:45 am – 1:00 pm
Ms. Coffman’s Room #105

Dear Students and Parents:

Please join me for a final farewell luncheon in our classroom this Friday.  I will provide pasta options (at least one egg, nut, and dairy free), green salad, fresh fruit, and cold water.  This is my way of saying thank you for the fabulous year and making so many precious memories.  Students are welcome to bring their own lunches on Friday OR there will be plenty of pasta and salad for all to enjoy. 

Please join us after 11:45 for this event.  Bring nothing other than you and simply enjoy this final 2014 Coffman Café!


Ms. Coffman

Builder Ted - Decimals Game

Friday, June 6, 2014

Multiplication Table and Sliding Factors

Success in Savanna, 6/6

Dear Parents:

            The hum of production has been heard throughout the third grade hallway this week.  The children have been working hard on creating their products for Tuckahoe Town, and figuring out how to stay on budget.  We also started a small research project related to the preservation of the Chesapeake Bay (ask your child about the sad report card it received in 2012).  Other ongoing or upcoming work includes our summer reading “garden”, EOY math test (recently returned for signature), literature circles, writing/naming decimals, simple machines, and summer safety.  Truly, there isn’t a dull moment in third grade as we head to the final weeks.
            Thanks to the many parents who have offered to assist me with our yearbook and other end of year items.  I will reach out to you individually to set times to meet to finish these valuable projects.  Thanks also to all my parents for continuing to encourage those strong work habits such as completing worksheets and writing in journals.  Our homework will officially end next Wed. with the collection of the journals.  I’m sure that this announcement will be met with great excitement.

            Please take a look at the list of calendar events below.  I hope you will be able to join us for Tuckahoe Town on Wednesday.  Also, I will be hosting a last day luncheon for students and parents on June 20.  Further information about that event will be sent home next week. 

Thank you,
Ms. Coffman

Upcoming Events

                           Wed. June 11- Tuckahoe Town- 11:00am-12:00pm
Monday June 16- Family Life (Please see separate letter for more information.)
                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 12:00pm-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 1:26pm

Friday, May 30, 2014

Success in the Savanna, 5/30

Dear Parents:

            We are done! The children all did a great job as they took all the SOL tests over the past two weeks.  They took their time, reviewed their answers and felt they knew the material that was covered.  Now we can put our collective focus on getting ready for Tuckahoe Town.

            As you have heard, we began talking about Tuckahoe Town on Wednesday afternoon.  The children will be working in groups to create a business selling a good or service. They will be required to work within a budget, and at the end will see if they were able to run their business at a profit or a loss.  Tuckahoe Town will take place on Wednesday morning June 11th from 11 am-12 pm.  I hope you will be able to join us for this annual event.

            This week we also welcomed Thy Dai to our classroom.  Thy is a former student of mine who is a senior at Yorktown High School.  She will be working with us for the next several weeks as part of her Senior Experience. 

            The next several weeks will be quite busy with end of the year events.  Please take a moment to put these important dates on your calendars.  I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Upcoming Events

                           Tues. June 3- Book-Swap and Ice Cream Social- 7pm
Wed. June 4- EARLY RELEASE- 1:26pm Dismissal
                           Wed. June 11- Tuckahoe Town- 11:00am-12:00pm
                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 12:00pm-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 1:26pm


Economics website for kids

Friday, May 23, 2014

Interactive Math Practice Site

Success in the Savanna, 5/23/14

Dear Parents:

            As you know, we began our SOL testing on Monday.  The children came into classroom ready to go on Monday morning.  While there was a bit of uncertainty prior to the test, however, when we finished all concerns were gone and many wondered why they had been nervous to begin with.  As the children approached the Social Studies test on Thursday, they were much more relaxed.  I was quite please with the time the children took to answer the questions, and the time they took to review their answers before their final submission.  Next week we will be testing Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.  Just a reminder to have your child get a good night sleep prior to each of these testing days, as well as a good breakfast the morning of the tests.

            With the celebration of Memorial Day this weekend, I would like to once again ask that you have a discussion with your child about the need to finish the year strong.  This means getting homework done and handed in on time, as well as remembering both the school and class rules on a daily basis.  I am excited for these final weeks of school.  Let’s make them count.

            I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Upcoming Events

                         Mon. May 26- Memorial Day- No School
                         Wed. May 28- Math SOL-9:15am
                           Wed. May 28- Rising 4th Grade Orientation- 7pm in the Library
                         Thurs./Fri. May 29-30- Reading SOL-9:15am
                           Wed. June 4- Early Release- 1:26pm Dismissal
                           Wed. June 11- Tuckahoe Town- 11:00am-12:00pm
                           Tuesday June 17- 3rd Grade Picnic 12:00pm-1:30pm
                           Wednesday June 18- Full Day
                           Thursday June 19- Full Day
                           Friday June 20- Last Day of School- Early Release 1:26pm