Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Healthy Holiday Project (due 12/19)

December 11, 2012

Dear Student:

We are just kicking off Chapter 4 in our Health book but you need to know about an exciting and yummy project that will conclude our unit.  Please read the information below and return this contract by not later than Friday, Dec. 14h.  See below for more important news!

Your chapter 4 project will be “take home test” of a different sort!  As this chapter is all about healthy foods and good nutrition, this is your chance to apply some of that knowledge in your own home with your family.  Your test for this chapter will be to find an age-appropriate recipe for any type of healthy food (breakfast, lunch, dinner, desert, appetizer, etc.).  Your grade for the test will be your choice based on the requirements below.  Please discuss this test and the grading options with your parents and return the bottom portion of this form to me by Friday, December 14th.  The final projects are due by Wednesday, December 19th.  Coincidentally, that is the same day that we will be doing our “Healthy Holiday Celebration” in the third grade so you are welcome to bring your healthy food to share on that day if you want to (note:  bringing your food to share is NOT a requirement for the grading).

Your options for grading are:

1.              A grade of “C” will be issued for completing the following:
Find a recipe on line or in an age-appropriate recipe book that is healthy and full of nutrients.  Use your text, Chapter 4, and the food guide pyramid or the NEW USDA food plate (http://www.choosemyplate.gov/) to determine what foods are most healthy.  On a sheet of notebook paper and in your best penmanship, copy the recipe including the ingredient list and the directions for making your recipe.  Write a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, that explains why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.  Consider what ingredients or cooking methods make it so healthy. 

2.              A grade of “B” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required above in (1) for a grade of C.  Additionally, you must MAKE the recipe on your own but with the assistance of parent or other adult.  Again, include a short paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, about why you chose this recipe and why you consider it a healthy recipe.

3.              A grade of “A” will be issued for completing the following:
Do all of the things required in (1) and (2) above for a grade of B.  Additionally, you must write a second paragraph, not less than 5 sentences, which RATES your final food product!   For example, if the process was fun and the food was very good, then give “the chef” or “the recipe” a high rating.  If the process was very difficult and you didn’t think the food was very good, give “the chef” or “recipe” a low rating.  The rating you issue will not effect your score (in other words you can think the recipe was hard to do or that the food was not that great and still get your A). 

Students who do not participate or do not turn in a recipe of any type will receive an E for this assignment.  Please submit the recipes and paragraphs on standard notebook paper as I intend to create a cookbook using all the recipes and this format will ease the process.  Notebook paper is available in our classroom for your use.  Also, I have several child-friendly, cookbooks in my classroom and can recommend many others if you need assistance.  For example, Mollie Katzen (“The Moosewood Cookbook”) is a cookbook writer who has done several cookbooks for children such as “Honest Pretzels” and “Pretend Soup”.  Also, the internet offers a variety of wonderful websites such as those listed below:

The Food Network/Recipes                

The Washington Post/Food Section/Recipe Finder

Cooking Light Magazine/Recipe Finder

Good luck on this project.  I hope you will have fun as you discover “hands-on” the value of healthy eating and good nutrition.

Please see me if you have any questions.

Ms. Coffman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -cut off and turn in the form below- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Ms. Coffman:

I have read the above letter and discussed this project with my parent(s).  We have agreed that I want to earn a/an ___________ (put in letter grade based on scoring requirements above) on this test/project.  I will complete the work as described above and have my completed project ready to turn in by Wednesday, Dec. 19th.  If I choose to share my food with my classmates, I will bring it to our holiday celebration on the 19th.

Student Signature                             Parent Signature

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