Thursday, February 21, 2013

Math Test Tips/Review Sheet

Dear Students/Parents:

Tomorrow, you will have your second and final test on multiplication and division facts.  For this test, you will need to know:

1.    The multiplication and division facts through the 12 times table.  For example:  “9 x 3”, “12 x 4”, “8 ÷ 8”, and “36 ÷ 6”.
2.    How to solve multiplication problems using (1) two or three digit factor and (1) one digit factor.  For example:  “46 x 4” or “246 x 4”.
3.    How to solve word problems using multiplication and division.  For example, “Ms. Coffman’s class went on a field trip.  There were a total of twenty students and four chaperones.  How many students were in each chaperone’s group?”
4.    The correct definition for each of these words:  “factor”, “product”, multiple, “dividend”, “divisor”, and “quotient”. 
5.    What happens when you multiply or divide any number by “1” or “0”.
6.    The Identity Property of multiplication that states that any number multiplied by “1” is always equal to the same number.
7.    The Commutative Property of multiplication that states that rearranging the order of the factors in a multiplication sentence will not change the product.

The best source for information includes:
·      returned homework
·      class assignments including level challenges
·      returned quizzes and tests
·      multiplication practice links available on the “Tuckahoe” links page
·      internet websites – my favorite sites are included below!

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