Friday, May 18, 2012

Thank you!

          I want to thank all of you for your many gifts, treats, and acts of kindness in my honor.  I have honestly never felt so appreciated, so loved, or so overwhelmed.  I kid you not – I think that there was less fuss made about me on my wedding day than there was during Teacher Appreciation Week.  Thank you all for making me feel so special!

          My students have asked what was my favorite part or day of the week.  It’s really hard to narrow it down.  It’s no secret that I love a sweet treat with my morning coffee and I was certainly overloaded with those.  A fresh flower or two is always a way to brighten a day and our classroom certainly shone with the many filled vases.  It was a wonderful surprise to have an early release on early release Wednesday.  Coincidentally, this break was timed just perfectly with the need to select a backsplash tile!  And, who can or would ever want to forget Orioles/Orange Day in our classroom?  What a very special way to recognize my passion for baseball and to share it with my “minor leaguers”.  Finally, my week concluded with a homemade and delivered meal that was extra special as it was shared in my newly completed kitchen.  All of this, in addition to the many favors being offered to the bigger teaching community, really created a lasting and meaningful memory.  Thank you!

          I wish all of you a restful weekend.  I will be unpacking dishware and setting up cabinets.  By Memorial Day weekend I hope to be moved into my new space and cooking up a storm of new recipes.  Fortunately, I have my own copy of the Third Grade Healthy Cookbook to get me started!

Ms. Coffman

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