Friday, September 28, 2012

Success in the Savanna, 9/28

Dear Parents,

            The third graders and all Tuckahoe students demonstrated school spirit this Friday afternoon at the Back to School Assembly.  We pledged to “be all that I can be” and do our best throughout the year.  I am so pleased with the efforts witnessed to date and feel confident that this is going to be an amazing year for all of us.

            We have started our first preliminary unit in science and will be concluding it late next week with a short test.  Portfolios will be sent home a few days prior and will contain all the information necessary for review.  We will be starting our first social studies unit next week on maps and globes.   In math, we are still working with place value and how this concept is applied to addition, subtraction, and money.  In language arts, we are creating pictures in our head and discovering that it is the author’s “vivid vocabulary” that is allowing us to paint these visualizations.  We are applying that same idea – selecting robust words – to our writing pieces.  Finally, in health, we have discussed strategies to manage stress and will doing our first of many end-of-unit projects next week.  Look for that information coming home early next week.  Bottom line:  we are working hard in the classroom!

            I appreciate all the offers of help that I received at Back to School Night.  I will be reaching out to those of you who signed up to confirm and work out the specifics of the different jobs.  I am still looking for a volunteer to assist with Scholastic Book Club orders.  This is a semi-monthly job that can be done at home and mostly consists of on line orders and email notifications.  Please contact me if you can assist with this effort.

            Conferences will be starting next week and some of you have already received confirmations; others will be sent soon.  For those that did not sign up on BTSN, there is a copy of the form in this week’s Friday Folder.  Please find a date and time that works for you and send me an email or return the form with your notes. 

            I would like to remind everyone that the children might need a sweater or light jacket when they come to school as the temperature begins to fall.  This will also mean reminders to bring these items home each evening.  Please remember that we do go outside every day, and we would like for your children to be dressed appropriately for the weather.  Also, we are beginning to see the first colds in the classroom.  When assessing your child’s ability to come to school with a cold, please remember that we ask if your child has a fever that they stay at home, and not return until they have been fever free for 24 hours.  If your child is sick and not coming to school, please call the Attendance Line (703-228-8320) and report your child’s absence. 

I hope everyone enjoys a relaxing weekend.


                                                                             Ms. Coffman

See back for list of upcoming events!

Upcoming Events

Mon. 10/8- Columbus Day- School Holiday
          Fri. 10/12- Building Museum Field Trip- 9am-12:30pm
          Thurs./Friday 10/18-19- Parent Teacher Conferences
          Fri. 10/26- Harvest Fest 6:30-9:30PM
          Thurs. 10/31- Halloween Parade  

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