Friday, November 22, 2013

Success in Savanna, 11/22/13

Dear Parents-

The first report cards of the year came home with your child today.  As I have told the children, this is a cumulative grade based on all work since the beginning of the school year.  I have also told the kids, the most important grade, to me, on this report is their work and effort grade.  Please remember that an “S” and a “C” indicates that your child is doing satisfactory work at grade level.  Overall, I am pleased with how well all the children are doing.  The blue card included in the envelope goes into further detail about the Arlington County grading policy.  Please sign and return both the blue card and the yellow comment sheet in the envelope. 

Please look for a flyer in this week’s Friday Folder from our school counseling team about an opportunity to meet with them.  Further, please remind your child that his or her Greece test is on Tuesday.  Portfolios went home yesterday along with a study guide.  As typical, there is also a Word Study test on Monday.  We will also be taking some time to do a fun holiday themed Math review.  Look for our Place Value Turkeys coming home on Tuesday to decorate your dining room. 

It’s truly been a wonderful quarter and I so appreciate having the time each day to get to know your child a little better.  Our community is really growing in knowledge, character, and pride.  We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season.

                                                                        Gobble, gobble,
                                                                        Ms. Coffman

Important Dates

Wed., Nov. 27-Fri., Nov. 29- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Fri. Dec. 20- Brass Rubbings (more information to follow)
Mon. Dec.23-Wed. January 1, 2013- Holiday Break- No School

Thurs. Jan. 2, 2014- School Reopens

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