Friday, October 12, 2012

Success in Savanna, 10/12

Dear Parents:

I would like to begin this week with a big thank you to all who accompanied us today to the National Building Museum.  From the hum of excited voices as we left, through the morning of instruction and building everyone seemed to enjoy the day.  The city we built was both fun and functional.  Who knows, maybe the next generation of city planners will include one of our students.

            As you know, Parent Teacher Conferences are on-going and continue through next week.  This is an opportunity for you and me to share how we see your child adjusting to the expectations of Third Grade.  I will also share information about early assessments, our language arts program, and other classroom news.  I enjoy this opportunity to discuss your child with you.  If you have not done so as of yet, I would like to ask that you confirm your conference time through email.  As of today, I believe that I have sent confirmations to all my parents.

            In content learning, we have started new units in math, social studies, and health.  In language arts, we are building our visualization skills, as readers, and reviewing the rules of capitalization.  Word Study groups are formed and moving forward.  We will not start a new unit on the 17th due to the shortened week.  For this reason, I worked in a little dictionary skill review that will continue into next week.  Soon, we will start another science unit on Living Systems.  There is never (or at least rarely) a dull moment in third grade. 

            The leaves are beginning to change outside the window and the temperature is fluctuating with early signs of change.  This signals me to take a moment out to remind everyone that the children do need to be dressed appropriately for the weather each day.  The children do go outside each day for recess and we want them to be warm enough to enjoy their time on the playground.

            Below you will find a list of some of the upcoming events at school.  Please mark the dates on your calendars.

                        Thurs./Friday 10/18-19- Parent Teacher Conferences
                        Tues. Oct. 23- ASPAN Homeless Walk- 9:15 am
                        Fri. 10/26- Harvest Fest 6:30-9:30 pm
                        Thurs. 10/31- Halloween Parade- 10:00 am
                        Tues. 11/6- Election Day/Teacher Work Day

The forecast for the weekend looks like it will be good for sports games.  With our O’s and Nats battling for divisional wins, it will certainly be a baseball weekend at our house.  I know the same is true for many of you!

                                                                              Ms. Coffman

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